Special Alert: SLS00270

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Special Alert: SLS00270

Bulletin Document
V 2
Date: November 14, 2005
To: All Issuing Offices
RE: FDIC Special Alert Notices - SA-148-2005 through SA-162-2005

Dear Associates:

This Bulletin is to advise you, in accordance with Stewart Information Services Corporation's ("SISCO") Anti-Fraud Plan, that the FDIC has issued the above-referenced Special Alert Notices. In order to view these and other Special Alert Notices issued by the FDIC, please refer to the website address listed below:


If you suspect an attempt to defraud or a fraud should ever be perpetrated against any SISCO Family Underwriter and/or its agents, please report the activity immediately to:

Patty Hoesl
Claims & Litigation Paralegal
Stewart Legal Services
Stewart Title Guaranty Company
1980 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 710
Houston, Texas 77056
(800) 729-1902
(713) 629-2248 FAX

phoesl@stewart.com EMAIL

For on-line viewing of this bulletin, log onto http://specialalerts.stewart.com/





CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Money Orders and Treasurer's Checks


Counterfeit money orders and treasurer's checks drawn on Country Bank for Savings, Ware,Massachusetts.


Country Bank for Savings, Ware, Massachusetts, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 211870980, which is assigned to Country Bank for Savings, Ware, Massachusetts. The counterfeit money orders are relatively similar to authentic money orders. However, the font size is different and the counterfeit items do not state ?Not Valid Over $1,000.00." A copy of a counterfeit item and an authentic money order check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Country Bank for Savings is also reporting that counterfeit treasurer's checks are in circulation. These checks appear to be based on the bank's money orders, rather than its treasurer's checks. A copy of a counterfeit item and an authentic check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

April E. Gay
Assistant Vice President and Security Officer
Country Bank for Savings
75 Main Street
Ware, Massachusetts 01082
Telephone: (800) 322-8233 Ext. 2102 (Toll-free)
Fax: (413) 967-3289

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Christopher J. Spoth


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachments (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks ? commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Valley National Bank, Wayne, New Jersey.


Valley National Bank, Wayne, New Jersey, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 021201383, which is assigned to Valley National Bank, Wayne, New Jersey. However, Valley National Bank, Wayne, New Jersey, does not issue cashier's checks. The bank issues official checks through Integrated Payment Systems, Inc., Englewood, Colorado, payable through Citibank, N.A., Buffalo, New York. Authentic official checks display the routing number 022000868, which is assigned to Integrated Payment Systems, Inc.

The counterfeit items are markedly dissimilar to authentic checks, with a different design, layout and font, and the counterfeit checks do not display the bank's logo. In addition, the counterfeit items display a fraudulent telephone number, which is answered as if it were the bank, and display a Passaic, New Jersey, address. Authentic checks do not display a telephone number, and reflect a Wayne, New Jersey, address. A copy of a counterfeit item and an authentic check (VOID) are attached for your review.

To verify the authenticity of a check, please use the following information:

Bank Customer Service Telephone: (800) 522-4100
Integrated Payment Systems, Inc. Telephone: (800) 223-7520
email: ppellegrino@valleynationalbank.com

You may contact the bank at the following address:

Valley National Bank
1455 Valley Road
Wayne, New Jersey 07470

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Christopher J. Spoth


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks ?; commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Official Checks


Counterfeit checks drawn on Ulster Savings Bank, Kingston, New York , are reportedly in circulation.


Ulster Savings Bank, Kingston, New York, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the proper routing number of 221971264 for Ulster Savings Bank. However, the fraudulent items are referred to as official checks, whereas authentic checks are not described as a specific type of check. The style of the checks is different. The counterfeit items display the date and the dollar amount of the check below boxes on the right side of the check; authentic checks do not have boxes. The counterfeit items also reflect a "Drawer" on the left side of the check. Authentic checks display "Memo" in that area of the check. A copy of a counterfeit item and a copy of an authentic check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Ulster Savings Bank Call Center : 1-845-338-6322, Extensions 3421 or 3205

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Christopher J. Spoth


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks ?; commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Millbury Savings Bank, Millbury, Massachusetts , are reportedly in circulation.


Millbury Savings Bank, Millbury, Massachusetts, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 211370639, which is assigned to Millbury Savings Bank, Millbury, Massachusetts. The counterfeit items are dissimilar to authentic checks, with a different layout, style and font. In addition, the counterfeit checks are referred to as official checks, with the wording included in a box located at the top-center portion of the check. Authentic checks are not referred to as any specific type of check. A copy of a counterfeit item and an authentic check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Bonny M. Dattis
Senior Vice President
Millbury Savings Bank
109 Elm Street
Millbury, Massachusetts 01527
Telephone: (508) 865-5811
Fax: (508) 865-4143

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Christopher J. Spoth


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks ? commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Official Checks


Counterfeit official checks drawn on Hampden Bank, Springfield, Massachusetts , are reportedly in circulation.


Hampden Bank, Springfield, Massachusetts, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 211870977, which is assigned to Hampden Bank, formerly known as Hampden Savings Bank, Springfield, Massachusetts . The counterfeit items are dissimilar to authentic official checks in style, font and layout. A copy of a counterfeit item and an authentic official check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Edward J. Kuchyt
Assistant Vice President and Security Officer
Hampden Bank
19 Harrison Avenue
Springfield, Massachusetts 01103
Telephone: (413) 736-1812
Fax: (413) 747-7427

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's website at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Christopher J. Spoth


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks ? commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Money Orders and Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit money orders and cashier's checks drawn on Monson Savings Bank, Monson, Massachusetts, are reportedly in circulation.


Monson Savings Bank, Monson, Massachusetts, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit money orders bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit money orders display the routing number 211871219, which is assigned to Monson Savings Bank, Monson, Massachusetts . The counterfeit money orders are dissimilar to authentic money orders, with a different layout, font and style. A copy of a counterfeit item and an authentic money order check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Monson Savings Bank is also reporting that counterfeit cashier's checks are in circulation. These checks are dissimilar to authentic checks. A copy of a counterfeit item and an authentic check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Karen M. Cartier
Fraud Supervisor
Monson Savings Bank
146 Main Street
Monson, Massachusetts 01057
Telephone: (413) 267-1212
Fax: (413) 267-3705

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's website at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Christopher J. Spoth


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks ? commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Expense Checks


Counterfeit expense checks drawn on Peoples Bank of Louisiana, Amite, Louisiana, are reportedly in circulation.


Peoples Bank of Louisiana, Amite, Louisiana, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 065403477, which is assigned to Peoples Bank of Louisiana, Amite, Louisiana . The counterfeit items are dissimilar to authentic checks, with a different layout, style and font. A copy of a counterfeit item and an authentic check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

John Ballard
Senior Vice President
Peoples Bank of Louisiana
P.O. Box 669
Amite, Louisiana 70422
Telephone: (985) 748-9476
Fax: (985) 748-5278


Russell Conger
President and Chief Executive Officer
Peoples Bank of Louisiana
P.O. Box 669
Amite, Louisiana 70422
Telephone: (985) 748-9476
Fax: (985) 748-5278

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's website at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Christopher J. Spoth


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks - commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Official Checks


Counterfeit official checks drawn on Webster Bank, National Association, Waterbury, Connecticut, are reportedly in circulation.


Webster Bank, National Association, Waterbury, Connecticut, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the proper routing number 092005411, which is assigned to Travelers Express. Webster Bank, National Association, Waterbury, Connecticut, issues official checks through Travelers Express. Some counterfeit items are relatively similar to authentic checks, while others have more distinguishing characteristics. Authentic checks have the wording ?Official Check" on the left edge of the checks, while neither of the counterfeit items display wording on the left edge of the check. Copies of two counterfeit items and an authentic check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Denise M. Walker
Vice President, Corporate Security
Webster Bank, National Association
P. O. Box 54
Waterbury, Connecticut 06702
Telephone: (203) 346-6047
Fax: (203) 573-7928

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Christopher J. Spoth


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks ? commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks of Citizens National Bank, N. A., Bossier City, Louisiana, are reportedly in circulation.


Citizens National Bank, N. A., Bossier City, Louisiana, contacted the Office of the Comptroller of Currency (OCC) to report that counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit cashier's checks display the routing number 01102133, which is assigned to The Citizens National Bank, Putnam , Connecticut . The counterfeit items also display an incorrect bank address of 9920 Ellerbe Road , Shreveport , Louisiana 71106 , and a fraudulent telephone number of 1-800-376-1094. The bank's name appears in both the top-left corner and top-left center of the check, but the bank's logo is missing. The wording "SIGNATURE HAS A COLOURED BACKGROUND" is printed under the signature line at the bottom of the check.

Authentic cashier's checks display the proper routing 111103524. The bank's logo, name, address and telephone number appear in the top-center portion of the check. The correct address and telephone number are shown below. A notice appears under the term "Cashier's Check" stating: "NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS ? THE PURCHASE OF AN INDEMNITY BOND WILL BE REQUIRED BEFORE AN OFFICIAL CHECK OF THIS BANK WILL BE REPLACED OR REFUNDED IN THE EVENT IT IS LOST, MISPLACED OR STOLEN."

To verify the authenticity of Citizens National Bank, N. A., cashier's checks, or to provide any information you have concerning this matter, please contact:

Jim Keel
Citizens National Bank, N. A.
2711 East Texas Street
Bossier City, Louisiana 71111
Telephone: (318) 747-6000
Fax: (318) 741-8290

Additional information about this matter that you believe should be brought to the attention of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency may be forwarded to:


Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Enforcement & Compliance Division, MS 8-10
250 E. Street, SW
Washington, DC 20219



(202) 874-5301








Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Christopher J. Spoth


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)

NOTE: Paper copies of FDIC Special Alerts may be obtained through the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW , Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940).




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on BankNewport (formerly known as Bank of Newport), Newport, Rhode Island, are reportedly in circulation.


BankNewport, Newport, Rhode Island, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 0211574462, which is not a valid routing number. BankNewport issues Treasurer's Checks, which display the proper routing number 211574642. Also, the counterfeit items are markedly dissimilar to authentic official checks in style, font and layout. The counterfeit items display a telephone number that is not associated with the bank. Authentic checks do not have a telephone number printed on the checks. A copy of a counterfeit item and an authentic official check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Denise Tansey
Assistant Vice President ? Security Officer
Headquarter Office
12 Turner Road
Middletown, Rhode Island 02842
Telephone: (401) 845-8607
Fax: (401) 847-2366

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Christopher J. Spoth


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks ? commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Official Checks


Counterfeit official checks drawn on Putnam Savings Bank, Putnam, Connecticut , are reportedly in circulation.


Putnam Savings Bank, Putnam, Connecticut, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 211174220, which is assigned to Putnam Savings Bank. Authentic checks are referred to as cashier's checks. Both counterfeit versions are referred to as official checks and they are dissimilar to authentic official checks in style, font and layout. In addition, a "1-800" telephone number appears on one version of the counterfeit checks. A copy of the counterfeit items and an authentic official check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Phillis Jaeger
Security Officer
Richard Moore
Assistant Security Officer
Putnam Savings Bank
P.O. Box 151
Putnam, Connecticut 06260
Telephone: (860) 928-6501
Fax: (860)-928-2147

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Christopher J. Spoth


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks ? commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Checks


Counterfeit checks drawn on Indiana First Savings Bank, Indiana, Pennsylvania , are reportedly in circulation.


Indiana First Savings Bank, Indiana, Pennsylvania, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 043001435, which is assigned to the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania). Indiana First Savings Bank, which does business as Indiana First Bank, issues checks through an account at the Federal Home Loan Bank. The counterfeit items are quite similar to authentic official checks in style, font and layout. However, the counterfeit items state, "Security features included. See back for details." Authentic checks do not have this feature. A copy of a counterfeit item and an authentic official check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Douglas A. Hilditch
Vice President Audit and Compliance
Indiana First Savings Bank
935 Philadelphia Street
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701
Telephone: (800) 349-2814 or (724) 349-2812 Extension 244
Fax: (724) 349-4346

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Christopher J. Spoth


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks ? commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Legacy Bank, Milwaukee, Wisconsin , are reportedly in circulation.


Legacy Bank, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 075017853, which is assigned to Legacy Bank, Milwaukee, Wisconsin . The counterfeit items are markedly dissimilar to authentic cashier's checks in style, font and layout. The counterfeit items display a telephone number that is not associated with the bank; authentic checks do not have a telephone number printed on the checks. A copy of a counterfeit item and an authentic official check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Camille Lumpkin
Operations Manager
Legacy Bank
2102 West Fond Du Lac
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206
Telephone: (414) 343-3031
Fax: (414) 343-6906

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Christopher J. Spoth


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks ? commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Official Checks


Counterfeit official checks drawn on PFF Bank & Trust, Pomona, California , are reportedly in circulation.


PFF Bank & Trust, Pomona, California, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 122037171, which is assigned to Integrated Payment Systems, Englewood, Colorado, with the checks issued through Wells Fargo Bank Ltd., Los Angeles, California. PFF Bank & Trust issues official checks via Integrated Payment Systems. The counterfeit items are very similar to authentic checks in style, font and layout. Authentic checks display a pad lock on the lower-right side and disclose the relationship with Integrated Payment Systems in the lower-left corner of the check. The counterfeit items display a "1-800" telephone number on either the front or the back of the check; this telephone number is not associated with the bank. A copy of a counterfeit item and an authentic official check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Vincent Galasso
Assistant Vice President ? Senior Security Investigator
Maria Montenegro ? Security Investigator
PFF Bank & Trust
399 Garey Ave
Pomona, California 91767
Telephone: (909) 623-6517
Fax: (909) 629-1832

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Christopher J. Spoth


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks ? commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Official Checks


Counterfeit official checks of The Farmers National Bank, Lebanon, Kentucky , are reportedly in circulation.


The Farmers National Bank, Lebanon, Kentucky, contacted the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) to report that counterfeit official checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the wording "Official Check" in the top-center portion of the check, while authentic checks display the wording "Cashier's Checks" in the bottom-left portion of the check. The counterfeit items also display the routing number 043310139, which is assigned to The Farmers National Bank of Emlenton, Pennsylvania, or 4310139, which is invalid. Authentic cashier's checks reflect the proper routing number, which is 083901728.

To verify the authenticity of a cashier's check of The Farmers National Bank, or to provide any information you have concerning this matter, please contact:

Gilbert Todd
The Farmers National Bank
136 W. Main Street
Lebanon, Kentucky 40033

Telephone: (270) 692-3177

Fax: (270) 692-3426

Additional information about this matter that you believe should be brought to the attention of the OCC may be forwarded to:

Mail: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Enforcement & Compliance Division, MS 8-10
250 E. Street, SW
Washington, DC 20219

Fax: (202) 874-5301

Email: occalertresponses@occ.treas.gov

Internet: http://www.occ.treas.gov

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Christopher J. Spoth


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)

NOTE: Paper copies of FDIC Special Alerts may be obtained through the FDIC's Public Information Center , 801 17th Street, NW , Room 100, Washington , DC 20434 (1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940).





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