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A - Z
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National Standard Exception Topics
ACC Access
ACCR01 STGC Satisfactory Evidence of a Right of Access
ACCX01 ALTA Complete Lack of a Right of Access
ACCX02 Removed
ACCX03 Partial Lack of a Right of Access Because of Gr
ACCX04 Complete Lack of a Right of Access Because of C
ACCX05 Partial Lack of Access Because of Condemnation
ACCX06 Complete Lack of a Right of All Access Because
ACCX07 Partial Lack of a Right of Access to Because of
ACCX08 Pedestrian Right of Access Only
ACCX09 OR Access rights relinquished to ODOT by Deed - Oregon
ACCX10 OR Access rights relinquished to ODOT by Court Order - Oregon
ACCX11 OR Land abuts State Highway, but there is no deed or court case establishing the highway - Oregon
ACCX12 OR Access via BLM Permit - Oregon
ACCX13 OR Access via Oregon Parks & Recreation Permit - Oregon
ACK Acknowledgments
ACKR01 Defective Acknowledgment in Deed
ACR Acreage
ACRX01 Any Inaccuracy in Area
ADI Adverse Interests
ADIR01 Adverse Claim Disclosed
ADIR02 Proposed Seller or Borrower Does Not Have Title
ADIR03 Grantee Lacks Legal Capacity to Hold Title
ADIX01 Adverse Interest Not Disclosed by Instrument
ADIX02 Adverse Interest Disclosed by Instrument
AGN Agreement Not to Transfer or Encumber
AGNX01 Exception Not to Transfer or Encumber
AGR Agricultural Land
AGRR01 Farm Credit System Institution Foreclosure of Deed in Lieu of Agricultural Real Estate
AGRR02 Farmland Foreclosure by or Deed in Lieu to Secretary of Agriculture or Farmers Home Administration
AGRR03 Farmland Homestead Property Acquired by Secretary of Agriculture, Small Business Administration, or Farmers Home Administration
AGRX01 Farm Credit System Institution Foreclosure or Deed in Lieu of Agricultural Real Estate
AGRX02 Farmland and Farmland Homestead Acquired by Secretary of Agriculture, Small Business Administration, or Farmers Home Administration
ALB Allocation of Liability
ALBX01 Allocation of Liability (Long Form)
ALBX02 Allocation of Liability (Short Form)
AMP Amount of Policy
AMPR01 Amount of Policy Not Determined When Commitment Issued
APL Appeal
APLR01 Appealable Judgment, Order, or Decree
APLX01 Appealable Judgment, Order, or Decree
APT Apartments
APTR01 Laundry and Automated Service Leases
APTX01 Laundry and Automated Service Leases
ARB Arbitration
ARBX01 Deletion of Arbitration from Owner Policy
ARBX02 Deletion of Arbitration from Mortgagee Policy
ARBX03 Deletion of Arbitration from Leasehold Owners Policy
ARBX04 Deletion of Arbitration from Leasehold Loan Policy
ARBX05 Deletion of Arbitration from Construction Loan Policy
BKY Bankruptcy
BKYR01 Bankruptcy Applies - Require Bankruptcy Documents
BKYR02 Bankruptcy May Apply - Court Order or Proof not Available
BKYR03 Bankruptcy - Order to Sell
BKYR04 Bankruptcy - Sale in Involuntary Proceedings
BKYR05 Bankruptcy - Land not Scheduled
BKYR06 Bankruptcy - Exempted Land
BKYR07 Bankruptcy - Abandonment
BKYR08 Bankruptcy - Confirmation
BKYR09 Bankruptcy - Lift of Stay
BKYR10 Bankruptcy - Annulment of Stay
BKYR11 Bankruptcy - Lift of Stay to Allow Deed Recording
BKYR12 Tax Foreclosure or Deed in Lieu Within Two Years - Creditor's Rights Requirement
BKYX01 Deed in Lieu or Tax Sale Exception
BKYX02 Broad Creditors' Rights Exception
BKYX03 Creditors' Rights Exception - 1990 Owner's Policy
BKYX04 Creditors' Rights Exception - 1992 Owner's Policy
BKYX05 Creditor's Rights Exception - 1990 Loan Policy
BKYX06 Creditors' Rights Exception - 1992 Loan Policy
BKYX07 Court Order Not Final
BKYX08 Unrecorded Bankruptcy
BKYX09 Delayed Recording
BKYS01 Vesting in the Bankruptcy Estate
BKYS02 Vesting Subject to Bankruptcy Proceedings
BNK Banks
BNKR01 Banks and Savings and Loans - Transfer to New Institution Required
BOU Boundary Lines
BOUR01 Boundary Line Conflict - Require Boundary Line Agreement
BOUX01 Boundary Line Conflict
BOUX02 Boundary Line Agreement
BOUX03 Exception to Disputed Area
BRE Breaks In the Chain
BRER01 Adverse Claim to Part of the Land – Requirement of Deed
BRER02 Liens on Adversely Claimed Part of the Land
BRER03 Possible Retroactive Taxes to Part of the Land
CCF Continuing Care Facilities
CCFX01 Rights of Residents
CCFX02 Rights of Residents (No Option)
CCR Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions
CCRR01 Proof of Payment of Assessments
CCRR02 Recorded Assessment Lien -Secure Release
CCRR03 First Refusal
CCRX01 Covenants Exception (With Option or First Refusal)
CCRX02 Covenants Exception (With Option or First Refusal) - Violation Does Not Affect Insured Mortgage
CCRX03 Covenants Exception (With Option or First Refusal) - Amended
CCRX04 Covenants Exception (No Option or First Refusal)
CCRX05 Covenants Exception (No Option or First Refusal) - Violation Does Not Affect Insured Mortgage
CCRX06 Covenants Exception (No Option or First Refusal) - Amended
CCRX07 Violation of Separate Covenants Exception Does Not Affect Insured Mortgage
CCRX08 Amendment of Separate Covenants Exception
CCRX09 Restrictions Common to Subdivision
CCRX10 Violation Not Affect Good Faith Mortgage
CCRX11 Violation Does Not Affect Insured Mortgage
CCRX12 Assessment Lien is Subordinate to Good Faith Mortgage
CCRX13 Assessment Lien is Subordinate to Insured Mortgage
CCRX14 Restrictions Based on Race, Color, Religion, Sex, Handicap, Familial Status or National Origin
CCRX15 Amendment of Restrictions
CCRX16 Specific Provisions
CEM Cemeteries
CEMX01 The Land is a Cemetery or Used as a Burial Ground
CEMX02 A Portion of the Land is a Cemetery or Used as a Burial Ground
CEMX03 OR Land is a Cemetery - Oregon
CER Certified Copies
CERR01 Record Certified Copy
CHU Churches
CHUR01 Authority of Church to Sell or Mortgage
CHUR02 Conveyance to Trustees of Church
COI Coinsurance
COIX01 Coinsurance
CON Condominiums
CONR01 Condominium Assessments
CONR02 Approval of Sale
CONR03 Certificate of Completion
CONS01 Unit Description (Fractional or Percentage Interest Stated)
CONS02 Unit Description (No Fractional or Percentage Interest Stated)
CONX01 Declaration Exception (with Option or First Refusal)
CONX02 Declaration Exception (with Option or First Refusal) - Violation Does Not Affect Good Faith Mortgage
CONX03 Declaration Exception (with Option or First Refusal) - Violation Does Not Affect Insured Mortgage
CONX04 Declaration Exception (No Option or First Refusal)
CONX05 Declaration Exception (No Option or First Refusal) - Violation Does Not Affect Good Faith Mortgage
CONX06 Declaration Exception (No Option of First Refusal) - Violation Does Not Affect Insured Mortgage
CONX07 Violation of Separate Declaration Exception Does Not Affect Good Faith Mortgage
CONX08 Violation of Separate Declaration Exception Does Not Affect Insured Mortgage
CONX09 Declaration Exception
CONX10 Violation Does Not Affect Good Faith Mortgage
CONX11 Possible Unrecorded Contract Purchasers of Units
CONX12 Violation Does Not Affect Insured Mortgage
CONX13 Assessment Lien is Subordinate to Good Faith Mortgages
CONX14 Assessment Lien is Subordinate to Insured Mortgage
CONX15 Special Time-share Exception
CONX16 Endorsement Exception if Assessment Lien has Priority
COR Corporations
CORR01 Authority of Corporation
CORR02 Corporate Charter Has Been Forfeited – Require Reinstatement
CORR03 Corporate Restructure (Merger, Consolidation, etc.)
CORR04 Alien (Non-American) Corporation Authority
CORR05 Corporation was Dissolved
COS Contracts for Sale
COSR01 Proof of Forfeiture
COSR03 Insuring the Contract – Review a Copy
COSR04 Possible Outstanding Contracts
COSR05 Requirement of Seller Consent to Transaction
COSX01 Contract Exception – Contract Not Insured
COSX02 Contract Exception – Contract Insured
COSX03 Seller’s Interest Assigned
COSX04 Buyer’s Interest Assigned
COSX05 Possible Outstanding Contracts
COSX06 Recharacterization as a Financing Scheme
COSS01 Description of Insured Contract
COT Cotenancies
COTR01 Tenancy by Entirety – Survivorship
COTR02 Joint Tenancy – Survivorship
COTX01 Federal Tax Lien Against Cotenant
COTX02 Cotenant Exception
CRO Crops
CROX01 Crop Liens
CROX02 Reservation of Crops
DDS Deeds
DDSR01 Requirement Documents
DDSR02 Require General Warranty Deed
DDSR03 Require Warranty Deed
DDSR04 Require Deed
DEC Decedent's Estates
DECR01 Pending Administration-Require Court Order
DECR02 Require Administration and Authorization
DECR03 Determination of Heirship if No Administration
DECR04 Proof of Death-Joint Tenancy or Tenants by En
DECR05 Estate and Death Taxes
DECX01 Recorded Estate Taxes
DECX02 Recorded State Death Tax Lien
DECX03 Federal Estate Tax Lien
DECX04 State Death Tax Lien
DECS01 Heirs or Devisees Subject to Pending Administra
DECS02 Heirs or Devisees Subject to Future or Unspecif
DECS03 Independent Executor
DECS04 Independent Executor and Devisees
DECS05 Personal Representative
DECS06 Personal Representative and Devisees
DEL Delivery
DELR01 Substantial Delay in Recording
DELR02 Recording After Grantor’s Death
DES Descriptions
DESR01 Address Furnished
DESR02 Defective Description
DESS01 Lot and Block
DESS02 Lot and Block (Metes and Bounds Attached)
DESS03 Plat Amended
DESS04 Metes and Bounds
DESS05 Exhibit A
DESS06 Except Improvements
DESS07 Except Described Land Previously Conveyed
DESS08 Except Land Particularly Described
DESS09 Fee Simple
DESS10 Fee in Improvements
DIV Divorces
DIVR01 Record Copy of Divorce
DIVR02 Review Copy of Divorce
DIVR03 Require Deed
DIVR04 Release of Divorce Lien
DIVR05 Pending Divorce
DIVR06 Alimony Judgment
DIVR07 Child Support Judgment
DIVX01 Terms of Divorce
DIVX02 Terms of Decree of Dissolution
DLO Deeds in Lieu of Foreclosure
DLOR01 Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure
DLOX01 Recharacterization of DIL as Equitable Mortgage
DTS Deeds of Trust
DTSR01 Release by Noninstitutional Lender
DTSR02 Payoff of Credit Line
DTSR03 Require Documents
DTSR04 Require Deed of Trust
DTSR05 Foreclosure
DTSX01 Deed of Trust - Describes Note and Loan Number
DTSX02 Deed of Trust - Describes Note
DTSX03 Deed of Trust - Does Not Describe Note
DTSX04 Assignment
DTSX05 Assignment of Beneficial Interest
DTSX06 Assignor is Not the Holder
DTSX07 Collateral Assignment
DTSX08 Modification
DTSX09 Subordination
DTSX10 Doubtful Priority
DTSX11 Subordination to Concurrent Deeds of Trust
DTSX12 Notice of Default
DTSX13 Trustee Substitution
DTSX14 Notice of Trustee's Sale
DTSX15 Additional Advance
DTSX16 Subordinate Matters
DTSX17 Redemption
DTSX18 U.S. Redemption
DTSX19 Trust Deed – Describes Note
DTSX20 Trust Deed – Does Not Describe Note
DTSX21 Partial Release
DTSX22 Bail Bond Deed of Trust
DTSX23 Assignment
DTSX24 Assumption Agreement
DTSX25 Nondisturbance
DTSX26 Failure of Spouse to Join
DTSX27 Foreclosure Defect
DTSX28 Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
DTSX29 Assignment – Note Delivery
DTSX30 Other Land Not Insured
DTSX31 Reacquisition by Mortgagor After Foreclosure
DTSX32 Part of Lien Insured
DTSS01 Insured Deed of Trust (Secured Debt Described)
DTSS02 Insured Deed of Trust (Statement of Recited Debt)
DTSS03 Insured Deed of Trust (No Recital of Debt)
DTSS04 Additional Security
DTSS05 Modification
DTSS06 Assignment
DUP Duplicates of Policies
DUPX01 True Copy
EAS Easements
EASR01 Recent Deed in Chain Shows Easement
EASX01 Uninsurable Easement
EASX02 Unlocated Easement
EASX03 Easement With Stated Width Along Property Line
EASX04 Easement â?? No Stated Width - Not Located
EASX05 Easement With Stated Width - Not Located
EASX06 Easement – No State Width - Located
EASX07 Easement â?? Width Stated - Located
EASX08 Easement – No Stated Width - Not Located
EASX09 Easement on Map or Plat
EASX10 Standard Exception to Unrecorded Easements
EASX11 Utility Easement Along Property Line
EASX12 Utility Easement Located
EASX13 Drainage Easement Along Property Line
EASX14 Drainage Easement Located
EASX15 Sanitary Sewer Along Property Line
EASX16 Sanitary Sewer Located
EASX17 Railroad Easement Along Property Line
EASX18 Railroad Easement Located
EASX19 Access Easement Along Property Line
EASX20 Access Easement Located
EASX21 Driveway Easement Along Property Line
EASX22 Joint Driveway Agreement
EASX23 Navigation Easement Along Property Line
EASX24 Navigation Easement Located
EASX25 Street Easement Along Property Line
EASX26 Street Easement Located
EASX27 Road Easement Along Property Line
EASX28 Road Easement Located
EASX29 Anchor Easement Along Property Line
EASX30 Anchor Easement Located
EASX31 Easement disclosed by Survey
EASX32 Multiple Easements disclosed by Survey
EASX33 Utility Lines Disclosed by Survey or Inspection
EASX34 Except to Condemned Land
EASX35 Exception Unclear Whether Fee or Easement
EASX36 Avigational Easement
EASX37 Flood Easement
EASX38 Utility Easements in Abandoned Road
EASX39 Recorded Utility Easements in Abandoned Road
EASX40 Recitals in Instrument
EASX41 Easement Created in Deed of Trust
EASX42 Easement Created in Mortgage
EASX43 Reciprocal Easement Agreement
EASX44 Overburdening
EASX45 Current Ownership of Easement
EASX46 Cable Agreement
EASX47 Aerial Easement
EASX48 Easement on Map or Plat
EASX49 Easement Location
EASX50 Easement Partially Released
EASS01 Insured Easement
EASS02 Insured Appurtenant Easement - Describing Land
ENC Encroachments
ENCX01 Facts Disclosed by Survey
ENCX02 Facts Disclosed by Inspection
ENCX03 Facts Disclosed by Survey - Encroachment onto Adj
ENCX04 Facts Disclosed by Inspection - Encroachment onto Adjoining Property
ENCX05 Facts Disclosed by Survey - Encroachment onto Land
ENCX06 Facts Disclosed by Inspection - Encroachment onto Land
ENCX07 Facts Disclosed by Survey - Encroachment onto Setback Line, Street, Alley or Easement
ENCX08 Facts Disclosed by Inspection - Encroachment onto Setback Line, Street, Alley or Easement
ENCX09 Railroad Easement (Shown on Survey)
ENCX10 Encroachment (Shown On Survey)
ENCX11 Encroachment (Not Shown on Survey)
END Endorsements
ENDX01 Schedule A or B List of Endorsement (Not a Numb
ENV Environmental Matters
ENVX01 Government Lien [Covered Risk 5]
ENVX02 Environmental Agreement
ENVX03 Notice of Hazardous Substance
ENVX04 Governmental Lien (Released)
ENVX05 Instrument Discloses Violation
ENVX06 Instrument Discloses Violation (Lien Released)
ENVX07 General Notice Relating to Environmental Matter
EXT Extended Coverage
EXTR01 Parties in Possession
EXTR02 Parties in Possession (Commercial or Agricultural)
EXTR03 Easements and Survey Matters
EXTR04 Survey Matters (Usual Survey Exception)
EXTR05 Easements and Survey Matters (Preferred Survey
EXTR06 Easements or claims of easements
EXTR07 Mechanic's Liens
EXTR08 Taxes and Assessments
EXTX01 Parties in Possession
EXTX02 Easements
EXTX03 Survey Exception - Owner's Policy
EXTX04 Survey Exception - Mortgagee Policy
EXTX05 Mechanic's Liens
EXTX06 Taxes and Assessments
EXTX07 Survey Exception (Usual Survey Exception)
EXTX08 Preferred Survey Exception
EXTX09 Preferred Mechanic's Liens Exception
EXTX10 Preferred Taxes and Assessments Exception
FIN FinCEN Reporting Requirements
FINR01 FinCEN Reporting Requirements
FOG Foreign Governments
FOGX01 Limitations and Conditions
FOR Forfeitures
FORR01 Civil Forfeiture
FORR02 Criminal Forfeiture
FTL Federal Tax Liens
FTLR01 Gift Tax Lien, if any
FTLR02 Federal Tax Lien – Nonjudicial Foreclosure of Property
FTLR03 Require Release of Lien
FTLX01 Notice of Federal Tax Lien
FTLX02 Redemption by U.S. - (Judicial or Nonjudicial Foreclosure)
GAP Gap Insurance
GAPR01 Require Gap Indemnity
GOV Governmental Entities, Authority of
GOVR01 Satisfactory evidence required by Company
GRD Guardianship
GRDR01 Court Approval of Transaction
GRDS01 Title in Guardian, Conservator, or Representati
GRDS03 Title in Minor or Incompetent
HOS Hospitals
HOSR01 Hospital – Hill-Burton Funds
HOSX01 Hospital - Hill-Burton Funds
HOSX02 Hospital – Hill-Burton Funds
HUD HUD Regulatory Agreements
HUDX01 Low Income Housing Agreement
HUDX02 Regulatory Agreement
HUDS01 Policy Schedule A
INS Insureds
INSX01 Insured Is Not Owner
INSX02 STG Multiple Insured
INSS01 Assigns – Loan Policy
INSS02 Assigns Per Policy – Loan Policy
INSS03 Assigns Except Obligors – Loan Policy
INSS04 HUD – Loan Policy
INSS05 VA – Loan Policy
INSS06 HUD – Owner’s Policy
JOT Joint Tenancies
JOTR01 Proof of Death of Joint Tenant by Affidavit
JUD Judgments
JUDR01 Search of Names
JUDR02 Name of Buyers
JUDR03 Release of Judgments
JUDR04 Attachment
JUDR05 Writ of Execution
JUDX01 Judgment Lien
JUDX02 Abstracts of Judgments
JUDX03 Extended Judgment
JUDX04 Revived Judgment
JUDX05 Judgment Assigned
JUDX06 Judgment of Support
JUDX07 Judgment Lien
JUDX08 Abstracts of Judgments
LAR Large Policies
LARR01 Over Agency Limits
LARR02 Reinsurance (Over $25,000,000)
LARR03 Reinsurance (Over $____________)(Michigan, Guam
LEA Leases
LEAR01 Proof that Lease Exists
LEAR02 Proof that Lease Ended
LEAR03 Insuring New Lease
LEAR04 Leasehold Endorsement
LEAR05 Leasehold Definition
LEAX01 Lease (Full Lease Recorded)
LEAX02 Lease (Memorandum of Record)
LEAX03 Sublease Exception (Full Sublease Recorded)
LEAX04 Sublease (Memorandum of Record)
LEAX05 Lease (Disclosed to Company, Not Recorded)
LEAX06 Lease (Disclosed in Another Instrument)
LEAX07 Lease Modification
LEAX08 Lease Subordination
LEAX09 Lease Subordination (Short Form Exception)
LEAX10 Lease Assignment (Lessee’s Interest)
LEAX11 Lease Assignment
LEAX12 Assignment of Rents
LEAX13 Tenants in Possession
LEAX14 Parties in Possession
LEAX15 Tenants in Possession Under Unrecorded Leases
LEAX16 Tenants in Possession (Evidence of Records)
LEAX17 Recharacterization
LEAX18 Lease with Purchase Option
LEAX19 Severed Improvements
LEAX20 Lease Compliance (Recorded)
LEAX21 Lease Compliance (Unrecorded)
LEAX22 Lease Exception (Not Recorded)
LEAX23 Subordination of Lease (Parties Named)
LEAX26 Recharacterization Exception
LEAS01 Lease Memorandum with Option to Renew
LEAS02 Lease Memo (No Option to Renew)
LEAS03 Full Lease with Option to Renew
LEAS04 Full Lease (No Option to Renew)
LEAS05 Lease Amendment
LEAS06 Lease Assignment
LIF Life Estates
LIFR01 Life Estate – Proof Ended or Joinder
LIFX01 Life Estate
LIFX02 Life Estate with Power of Sale
LIFX03 Reversion
LIFX04 Remainder
LIFX05 Life Estate Vesting
LIFS01 Life Estate
LIS Lis Pendens
LISR01 Release or Withdrawal of a Lis Pendens and Suit
LISR02 Require Suit Dismissal
LISR03 Suit Not Examined
LISR04 Persons Not Made Parties
LISR05 Persons Served by Publication
LISX01 Lis Pendens and Suit
LISX02 Suit – No Lis Pendens
LISX03 Right to Appeal
LLC Limited Liability Companies
LLCR01 Limited Liability Company Transaction Approval
MAR Marital Rights
MARR01 Joinder of Spouse of Named Person
MARR02 Joinder of Spouse of Current Owner
MARR03 Require Marital Status of Current Owner - Joind
MARR04 Require Marital Status of Current Owner - Joind
MARR05 Require Marital Status of Named Person - Joinde
MARR06 Require Marital Status of Named Person - Joinde
MARR07 Record Shows Owner is Married - Joinder in Conv
MARR08 Record Shows Owner is Married - Joinder in Mort
MARR09 Name Change Because of Divorce; Require Copy of
MARR10 Name Change Because of Marriage
MARX01 Homestead Declaration
MARX02 Possible Community Rights
MARX03 Possible Community Rights Disclosed by Joinder
MARX04 Community Rights
MIN Minerals
MINX01 Grant of Undivided Interest in Minerals or Subs
MINX02 Grant of Minerals or Substances
MINX03 Reservation of Undivided interest in Minerals o
MINX04 Reservation of Minerals or Substances
MINX05 Oil and Gas Lease
MINX06 Specific Substance Lease
MINX07 Separate Mineral Taxation (General)
MINX08 Separate Taxation (Specific)
MINX09 Minerals Located Below Stated Depth
MINX10 Community or Pool Lease
MINX11 Surface Waiver
MINX12 Conditional Surface Waiver
MINX13 Possible Surface Waiver
MINX14 Mining Claims Broad Exception
MINX15 Undivided Interest in Minerals
MINX16 All Minerals Outstanding
MINX17 Coal and Minerals
MINX18 Lease of Stated Minerals or Substances
MINX19 General Mineral Exception
MINX20 PA Coal and Mining Exception - Pennsylvania
MKT Marketability
MKTX01 Unmarketability of Title
MKTX02 No Insurance of Marketability – Agreement to Re
MKTX03 Marketability Satisfied by Reissue
MML Mechanic's Liens (Statutory Liens for Services, Labor or Material)
MMLR01 Require Statutory Notice of Completion
MMLR02 Inspection to Determine No Commencement
MMLR03 Require Statutory Bond for Recorded Lien
MMLR04 Require Statutory Bond for Project
MMLR05 Require Release
MMLX01 Notice of Intention to File
MMLX02 Statutory Lien for Services, Labor or Material
MMLX03 Specify Possible Statutory Lien for Services, Labor or Material
MMLX04 Suit to Foreclose Statutory Lien for Services, labor or Material
MMLX05 Judgment Ordering Foreclosure of Statutory Lien for Services, Labor or Material
MMLX06 Statutory Notice of Commencement
MMLX07 Notice of Non-responsibility
MMLX08 Statutory Lien for Services, Labor or Material (Inspection)
MMLX09 Notice of Completion
MMLX10 Mechanic’s Lien
MMLX11 Mechanic's Lien Claims of any Tier By, Through or Under the Insured
MMLX12 Mechanic’s Lien Claims of any Tier for the Benefit of Insured
MNR Minors
MNRR01 Proof That The Child is Still a Minor
MNRR02 Proof that 18 Years of Age in Current Transacti
MNRR03 Proof of Age in Prior Transaction
MNRR04 Require GuardianConservatorRepresentative
MNRX01 Exception in Policy Issued to Minor
MNRS01 Custodian Under Uniform Gifts to Minors Act
MNRS02 Title in Guardian, Conservator, or Representati
MNRS03 Title in Minor or Incompetent
MOB Mobile Homes
MOBR01 Verify Mobile Home is attached and Taxes Paid
MOBX01 Except to Mobile Homes
MOBX02 Unpaid or Unassessed Taxes
MOX03 OR Sale of Manufactured Home Park - Oregon
MOX04 OR Sale of a lot in a newly subdivided Manufactured Home Park - Oregon
MOX05 OR Sale of Floating Home in a Marina - Oregon
MTG Mortgages
MTGR01 Require Release
MTGR02 Proof of Valid Foreclosure
MTGR03 Payoff of Equity Line Loan
MTGR04 Require Delivery of Release by Private Lender
MTGR05 Require Documents
MTGR06 Require Mortgage
MTGR07 Satisfactory Assignment
MTGR08 Satisfactory Subordination
MTGX01 Mortgage - Describes Note
MTGX02 Mortgage (Performance)
MTGX03 Partially Released
MTGX04 Assignment
MTGX05 Assignment (Mesne)
MTGX06 Modification
MTGX07 Assignment of Rents
MTGX08 Not all of Collateral Insured
MTGX09 Subordination
MTGX10 Policy Insures Subordination
MTGX11 Foreclosure Suit
MTGX12 Insured Assignment Exception
MTGX13 Collateral Assignment
MTGX14 Additional Advance
MTGX15 Revival of Mortgage
MTGX16 Right of Redemption
MTGX17 U.S.A. Right of Redemption
MTGX18 Insured Mortgage Secures Other Debt
MTGX19 Mortgage (Describes Debt)
MTGX20 Mortgage (Does not Describe Debt)
MTGX22 General Subordinate Matters Exception
MTGX23 Not all of the Collateral is Insured
MTGX24 Questionable Assignment (Not in Chain)
MTGS01 Other Collateral
MTGS02 Mortgage (Describes Debt)
MTGS03 Mortgage (Does not Describe Debt)
MTGS04 Partially Released
MTGS05 Assignment
MTGS06 Modification
MTGS07 Assignment of Rents
MTGS08 Additional Advance Made
MUR Murder
MURS01 Court Order Required
NAA Native Americans
NAAR01 Approval by The Secretary of Interior
NAAR02 BIA Report.
NAAR03 Tribal Transaction.
NAAX01 Non-Intercourse Act
NAAX02 Agreement to Reinsure
NAM Names
NAMR01 Not Same Person Affidavit
NAMR02 Same Person Affidavit
NAMR03 Liens Against Proposed Grantee
NAMR04 Name of Lender or Purchaser
NAMR05 Affidavit of Identity
NAMR06 Identification and Marital Status
NCL Noncumulative Liability
NCLX01 Noncumulative Liability
NCT No Current Transaction
NCTR01 Reason for Policy
OPT Options
OPTR01 Require Release of Option
OPTX01 Option
OPTS01 Option is Insured
OTP Owner’s Policy Availability
OTPR01 Notice of Owner’s Policy Availability
PAR Partnerships
PARR01 Authority of General PartnershipJoint Venture
PARR02 Authority of Limited Partnerships
PARX01 Lender is a Partner
PARX02 Lender is a Joint Venturer
PARX03 Creditors of Partnership
PAT Patents
PATR01 Patent required by Company
PATX01 Specific Patent Exception
PATX01CLTA STG Patent Exception
PATX02 General Patent Exception
PATX03 Mining Claims Broad Exception
PDC Pending Disbursement Clauses
PDCX01 Loan Policy - No Downdate Required
PDCX02 Loan Policy - Construction - Downdate Required
PDCX03 Owner's Policy - No Downdate Required
PDCX04 Reserved
PDCX05 Reserved
PDCX06 Loan Policy - Construction; Downdate Required
PDCX07 Loan Policy - Construction; Ltd Coverage Only for Prior Wk
PDCX08 Loan Policy - Construction - Downdate Required
PDCX09 DE Loan Policy - First Mortgage for Construction - Delaware
PDCX10 FL Loan Policy - Construction - Florida
PDCX11 IL Loan Policy - Construction - Illinois
PDCX12 MA Loan Policy - Construction - Massachusetts
PDCX12.1 MA Loan Policy - Construction - Massachusetts
PDCX12.2 MA Loan Policy - Construction - Massachusetts
PDCX13 MI Loan Policy - Construction - Michigan
PDCX14 NJ Loan Policy - Construction - New Jersey
PDCX16 ND Loan Policy - Construction - North Dakota
PDCX17 TX Loan Policy - Construction - Texas
PDCX18 VA Loan Policy - Construction - Virginia, High Risk Projects ("Restpend")
PDCX19 VA Loan Policy - Construction - Virginia ("Stewpend")
PDCX20 OH Loan Policy - Ohio - Visible Commencement Rule
PDCX21 PA Loan Policy - Construction - Pennsylvania
PKS Parks
PKSR01 Remove Park Dedication
PKSX01 Parks and Related Easements
POA Powers of Attorney
POAR01 Satisfactory Power of Attorney
POAR02 Records Show that the Transaction was Executed
POAR03 Power of Attorney did not Authorize the Transac
POS Postal Service
POSX01 U.S. Postal Service is Insured
PRO Pro Forma Policy
PROR01 Pro Forma Disclaimer
PTY Party Walls
PTYX01 Party Wall Agreement
PTYX02 No Party Wall Agreement
PUC Public Utility Corporations
PUCR01 Regulatory Approval
RCT Record Title
RCTX01 Instrument not Recorded
RCTX02 Delayed Recording
REC Recitals
RECR01 Require Release of Unrecorded Matters
RECX01 Disclosure of Interest
RED Redemption by United States
REDX01 Redemption
REG Regulatory Agreements
REGX01 Low Income Housing Agreement
REGX02 Regulatory Agreement
REP RepurchaseRefusal Rights
REPR01 Release of RepurchaseRefusal Rights
REPX01 RepurchaseRefusal Right
REV Reversion
REVR01 Release Reversionary Clause
REVX01 Reversionary Clause
RRO Railroads
RROR01 Regulatory Approval
RROX01 Railroad Easement (No Recording Data)
RROX02 Railroad Easement (Shown on Survey)
RROX03 Railroad Easement (Recorded)
RROX04 Reversionary Rights
RROX05 Mortgage Indenture
RROX06 Access is Across Railroad
RROX07 Rails to Trails
RROX08 Retroactive Taxes
SBL Setback Lines
SBLX01 Setback Line on Map
SBLX02 Setback Line in Document
SBLX03 Setback Line on Survey
SCH School Funding
SCHR01 Determine If There Are Higher Education Grants
SCHX01 Possible Higher Education Grants
STA Standard Coverage
STAX01 Parties in Possession
STAX02 Easements
STAX03 Survey Exception
STAX04 Statutory Liens for Services, Labor or Material
STAX05 Liens for Taxes, Assessments and Other Charges
STR Streets, Alleys and Roads
STRX01 Located Road (No Recording Reference)
STRX02 General Roads Exception (No Recording Reference
STRX03 Future Widening
STRX04 Located Road (With Recording Reference)
STRS01 Insured Nonexclusive Road Easement
SUB Subordinations
SUBX01 Subordination Agreement
SUR Surveys
SURR01 Affidavit that Survey is Still Correct
SURR02 Update Prior Survey
SURR03 Inspection is Required
SURX01 Facts Disclosed by Survey
SURX02 Facts Disclosed by Inspection
SURX03 Survey Matters After Stated Date
TAX Taxes, Real Property
TAXR01 Possible Retroactive Taxes
TAXR02 Payment of Taxes at Closing
TAXR03 Payment of Taxes as of Policy Date
TAXR04 Payment of Prior Taxes
TAXR05 Tax Deed - Administrative (Nonjudicial) Tax Foreclosure or Potential Defect in Judicial Proceeding
TAXR06 Delinquent Assessments
TAXR07 Awaiting Tax Report
TAXR08 OR Property Transferred to “tax-exempt government transferee” - Oregon
TAXX01 Additional Taxes Because of Improvements
TAXX02 Subsequent Taxes Because of Change in Use
TAXX03 Retroactive Taxes
TAXX04 Taxes for Calendar Year
TAXX05 Taxes For Fiscal Year
TAXX06 Taxes Paid Through Quarter
TAXX07 Taxing District
TAXX08 Taxing District (Refer to Recording Date)
TAXX09 Notice of Postponed Taxes
TAXX10 City and County Taxes
TAXX11 Taxes and Assessments Due Subsequent to Policy Date
TAXX12 Taxes Not Yet Due
TAXX13 Redemption Rights
TAXX14 MI Retroactive Revaluation - Michigan
TIM Timber Lands
TIMX01 Timber Deed Excepted
TMS Time-shares
TMSX01 Time-share Exception
TRU Trusts
TRUR01 Copy of Trust
TRUR02 Liens Against Trustee
TRUS01 Trustee of Named Trust - Vesting of Title
TRUS02 Trustee of Declaration of Trust - Vesting of Ti
TRUS03 Trustee of Testamentary Trust - Vesting of Titl
TSG Trustee’s Sale Guarantee
TSGR01 Pending Bankruptcy Against Owner
TSGX01 IRS Right of Redemption
TSGX02 Priority of Mechanic’s Liens
TSGX03 Request for Notice
TSGX04 Numerous Judgment Liens
TSGX05 No Policy Will Be Issued
TSGX06 Notice of Default to Lienholders
TSGX07 Publish Notice of Default if Trustor Provides N
TSGX08 Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
TXL Tax Liens, State and Local
TXLX01 Notice of State or Local Tax Lien
TXLX02 Redemption
UCC Uniform Commercial Code
UCCR01 UCCs By Lessees
UCCR02 Require Release of UCC
UCCX01 Financing Statement
UCCX02 Continuation
UCCX03 Assignment
UCCX04 Except to Fixtures in UCC
VAC Vacation
VACX01 Exclusion of Vacated Land
VACX02 Utility Lines in Vacated Street
VACX03 Private Rights in Vacated Street
VACX04 Subdivision Owners’ Access Easement
VEN Vendor’s Liens
VENX01 Implied Vendor’s Lien
VES Vesting of Title
VESX01 Ownership Subject to Rights of Others
VESS01 Insured as Their Interests Appear
WET Wetlands
WETX01 Water Rights
WETX02 Navigable River or Stream Crosses or Abuts the
WETX03 Non-Navigable Stream, Gully, Creek or Ditch Cro
WETX04 Non-Navigable Rivers or Streams as Boundaries
WETX05 Navigable Lake Abuts the Land
WETX06 Non-Navigable Lake Abuts the Land
WETX07 Land Abuts Ocean, Gulf or Bay
WETX08 Artificially Filled Lands
WETX09 Access to Adjacent Beach
WETX10 Encroachment onto Beach
WETX11 Extended Coverage Survey
WETX12 OR Land is within a Scenic Waterway - Oregon