Dear Associates:
Frequently in mountainous or other areas that contain mineralization, there
have been and continue to be active mining operations. Historically, these
mineral operations were afforded special rights under United States Mining
Laws to claim and later patent the areas surrounding their mineral discovery.
As these claims were developed, rights were also afforded for lands to be claimed
and later patented for millsites used for the reduction of their ores.
These lands have become important since many are now being developed for other
residential, recreational or commercial uses.
Nature of Title to Patented Lode and Millsite Claims
Lode and Millsite claims need to be characterized initially as patented or
unpatented. The rights are established of record when a locator identifies
an area where certain types of mineralization are present. From this discovery,
the locator lays out on the ground the surface areas where he is staking his
claim. The locator then places markings at each corner of the claim and prepares
a notice of his claim or Location Certificate. This claim is laid out under
certain provisions of United States Code. It must conform in size, markings
and other criteria as established under the section where the claim is being
made. Over the years the size and shapes of lode mining claims have changed.
You will find, generally, that the older claims were long and narrow with some
having angle points that generally conformed with the location of the vein
or lode containing about 5 acres. Later, the claims are found to generally
be 300 feet on each side of the centerline of the claim and 1500 feet along
the claim, generally running in a straight line. The size of these later claims
was generally about 20 acres. More recent claims generally follow subdivisions
of sections.
The claim for a millsite was based upon the presence of lode claims and the
need for an area to reduce ores removed from the areas where active mining
was being conducted. These areas are generally irregular in shape and size.
Eventually, the locator, based upon production of ores and other criteria,
could apply for a patent to his claim. This process culminates with the issuance
of a patent that in some respects resembles a homestead or cash entry patent,
but is very different in other respects.
It is key to your understanding of lode and millsite claims to know that these
claims may convey some or all of the portions of the surface contained within
the area of the mining claim, as well as the subsurface rights encompassed
within the bounds of the claim. The lode mining claim also provides for what
are known as Extralateral Rights. These extralateral rights allow the locator
of the claim to follow the vein or lode in its downward course for the length
of the claim for great distances from the tunnel or discovery point.
There has been extensive litigation determining the nature of the rights of
the mineral locators vis-à-vis other persons. The Company considers
the issuance of commitments and policies on patented lode and millsite claims
to be deserving of extra special attention.
Unpatented Lode and Millsite Claims
The Company does not authorize, without specific approval of the National
Legal Department, the insuring of any possessory interest or title to any unpatented
lode claim or millsite claim. The holder of such a claim holds a possessory
right that has certain protections under Federal law, but such interests are
also subject to extensive challenges, not only by other claimants, but also
by the Federal Government itself. To keep such a claim active, the claimant
has to perform routinely a number of acts. Any present or past failure to comply
could be cause for termination of the possessory rights.
The known failure of the holder of an unpatented claim to perform a required
action should not be used to remove such a claimed interest in the land.
Beginning the Search
The search of the public records related to patented lode or millsite claims
always begins with the records of the United States Bureau of Land Management.
Persons who frequently deal with these records routinely obtain copies of aperture
cards and microfiche of those records related to mining claims and index those
records in their title plant. The records that must be reviewed and searched
Mining District Maps
Mineral Survey Plats
Master Title Plat
Tract Indices
Mineral District Maps are those maps compiled from the various claims filed
with the mining district recorder. The mining district recorder was in some
areas an employee of the county recorder if the area was organized into counties
of a territory or state.
The early versions of these maps assigned lot numbers to the various claims
that were later utilized when the land was patented. Before many areas were
surveyed under the rectangular survey, the location certificates did not generally
tie to section corners or similar monuments, but instead tied to United States
Mining Monuments. The Mineral District Maps were extremely helpful in showing
the location of each of the various claims as they were made. In later years
these mineral districts were dissolved and their records merged with the county
recorder's records. In that fashion many mineral district maps have found
their way into the title plant. It is also just as common for the county recorder
or assessor to either not have these maps or find that they have become lost
over the years.
The government found it necessary to survey the mining claims as part of the
patenting process. The surveyors made use of the mineral district maps as well
as locating the monuments for each claim on the ground. The result of this
effort is the Mineral Survey Plat. Later Mineral Survey Plats utilized a Mineral
Survey Number that was used in the patent, along with a metes and bounds description
to define the land being conveyed. These plats show the relationships between
the mining claim and surrounding claims and the tie to United States Mining
Monuments, rectangular survey corners and other claims. Later mineral survey
plats frequently show ties to governmental rectangular surveys.
It is common to find generally that numerous mining claims and millsite claims
overlap each other. This fact makes the search and examination of mining claims
very difficult. The searcher and examiner must search each and every claim
that overlaps the claim being searched.
The Master Title Plat is used to ascertain how the U.S. Bureau of Land Management
now views the location of the mining claims and other non-mineral lands. It
is used as a convenient check to look for obvious problems. For example, it
is not uncommon to find that the government has patented a certain quarter
section of land and also patented a lode mining claim. Examination of each
reveals that neither patent takes exception to the other. Since we do not know
which claimant has the better claim to the land, we must take exception to
the matters presented and require correction documents to clarify the title.
It is also not uncommon to find that the U.S. Bureau of Land Management records
are deficient as to certain matters found in the county records or vice-versa.
The Tract Indices reveal the indexing of the patents issued on land. These
records are very useful when the county recorder's records fails to reveal
a chain of title to a claim that the U.S. Bureau of Land Management shows as
patented. The patents are indexed to the township and range by Lot number in
the Mineral District or Mineral Survey Number. It is important to be able to
generally locate all mining claims in the proximity of the land under examination.
The County Records Search
Much of the process of searching and examining the title to mining claims
follows procedures common to other chains of title. Mining claims are unique
in a number of very significant ways, however. It is not uncommon to find aerial
or underground easements through the land. There may be a common underground
system of tunnels that are used by numerous claimants. Other unpatented claims
held by parties outside of our chain of title may continue to affect land previously
patented by our mineral locator. Portions of the surface may be in conflict
with other claims or other patented land.
It is imperative that a complete search of the county records be conducted
back to the original location certificate for our claim as well as each other
claim that touches or surrounds our land. It is not uncommon in mining areas
to have easements granted that run from Claim A to Claim Z without mention
of the claims which are crossed. For that reason, a search should also be made
of the grantor-grantee records of the county.
As with any easement, and especially when dealing with mining claims, extreme
caution should be utilized when removing easements, even with documents that
appear to be properly executed and acknowledged. The patents to the mining
claims were generally made subject to the local mining district laws and regulations.
Those regulations may not conform to our current understanding of how and to
whom rights may vest under common development schemes.
Finding other unpatented mining claims can be difficult. It is common for
the Company to leave an exception in Schedule B for unpatented mining claims
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management does maintain an index of mining claims
arranged by section, township and range indexed by unpatented claim. Examiners
should, however, exercise extreme care in relying upon theses indices.
Dealing with Extralateral Rights
Owing to the nature of patented lode mining claims conveying portions of the
surface as well as specifically conveying the subsurface and the extralateral
rights to follow a vein or lode in its downward course, the Company has determined
that care must be taken to add an exception in Schedule B as follows:
"Any right, title, or interest to any land or rights therein lying beyond
the side lines extended downward vertically."
By their nature extralateral rights are the subject of extensive litigation.
When numerous mining claimants follow their rights downward from varying directions,
it should be easily seen that eventually those rights may intersect with another
claimant's rights to follow the same vein or lode. The risks incident
to such rights are then by their nature hazardous.
Townsite Patents
Townsite Patents did not convey title to mineral lands. In many areas, the
lode claims were already filed and being worked prior to the filing of the
application for the townsite patent. It is common to find a patented lode claim
not taking exception for the portions of the surface contained within the townsite
and to also not find any reference on that patent to the exclusion of mineral
Even more disturbing, you may find two complete chains of title, one for the
patented lode claim and one for the townsite lots. Title should not be insured
until the conflict is resolved of record.
Legal Descriptions
When describing a patented mining claim, the preferable way to describe the
claim is to take the description exactly from the patent. Most patents follow
the format of first identifying the claim by name, followed by Lot Number in
the District or Mineral Survey Number, and thereafter a metes and bounds description
of the perimeter of the claim. Excepted areas follow thereafter.
If the use of that type of description is not possible, the next best description
would be to describe the claim by name, followed by Lot Number in the District
or Mineral Survey Number, with a recital similar to ". . . as the same
is defined and delineated in that certain Patent, recorded ________ as Instrument
No. ________, indexed in Book ________, at Page ________," and being
followed by the exceptions contained in the patent.
Considering the number of transactions insuring patented mining claims, a
very common type of policy loss arises when a title examiner identifies the
land by name of claim followed by Lot Number in the District or Mineral Survey
Number, but fails to set out precisely the exceptions to that description contained
in the patent. The resulting ambiguity is then the cause of the loss when the
insured believes that they also own the excepted parcels. The Mineral Survey
Plat does not identify which claim has priority of title and which will be
Tax Titles
There are two primary theories of the effect of a tax title on interests in
the land. The first holds that a de novo title is started that cuts off or
terminates all interests in the land other than those of the holder of the
tax title. The other theory holds that only the fee interest under assessment
is cut off by the tax sale, leaving all other interests, such as easements,
reservations, restrictions, and excepted interests, in the land intact. Needless
to say, the more conservative approach should be utilized. The Company considers
tax titles to be high risks. Insuring a tax title as to a mining claim is doubly
hazardous, especially if conflicts are present.
Marketable Record Title Acts
Some states have what are known as Marketable Record Title Acts that supposedly
are designed to cure or outlaw old defects in chains of title. Many title examiners
have erroneously determined to not search title back more than 40 years based
upon these statutes on the idea that no one could challenge their title and/or
that the Act cuts off any other interests in the land. The problem with this
thinking is that each holder of another interest in the land may also claim
their title to be marketable based under this same Act.
Additionally, many patented lode mining claims are fraught with breaks in
the chain of title and similar problems. The person shown of record holding
the interest prior to the break may also claim marketable title under the same
The result of this discussion is that only very limited use can be made of
this Act when examining title to mining claims.
Environmental Concerns
You would be well to take note that many patented lode mining claims or patented
millsite claims are the sites of hazardous wastes concerns. Care should be
taken to insure that no notice has been filed related to a cleanup of such
a site.
Extended Coverage
It is inherent in how mining claims were originally laid out and surveyed,
that survey problems are present. It is not uncommon to have discrepancies
of as much as 500 - 1,000 feet. Even more difficult is the fact that over the
years the monuments that originally established the location of the corners
have rotted or been disturbed by natural processes. Generally, survey control
should generally be considered to be poor at best.
It is also common for owners of mining claims to disregard the exceptions
in the patent and place improvements in the excepted areas. You could then
find that your improvements are not located on the land
If a dedicated public road does not touch the patented mining claim, access
should be excepted in Schedule B. Great care needs to be utilized in this respect.
It is not uncommon for governmental entitles to later challenge the right of
a county or city to use a right of way that was presumably a public road. A
heightened awareness needs to be maintained when the patented claim is surrounded
by U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service or National Park Service
administered federal lands.
In many cases the sole means of access to the patented lode mining claim is
over U.S. Forest Service roads or similar rights of way. Many, if not most
of these roads, are not to be considered dedicated roads. If the records of
the U.S. Bureau of Land Management do not show a right of way on file in favor
of the County or some other governmental entity that provides highway access
to lands in the County, exception for access should be taken. The rights held
by the public may be nothing more than a license to use the road on some very
limited basis. The Company has determined when access is limited, proper exceptions
should be taken.
An additional problem occurs when an overlapping mining claim cuts off a portion
of the land from the remainder. Even though no fences or other obstructions
may be present, the Company does not generally authorize insuring access to
the cutoff lands without specific approval of the National Legal Department,
or without a specific easement granted by the proper persons to the cutoff
Before Turning an Examiner Loose
You should consider the level of training of the title examiner personnel
assigned to the task. Great care should be exercised by supervisory personnel
to insure that the search and examination was proper in light of the significant
risks associated with patented lode or millsite claims.
If you have further questions, please call me.