Special Alert: SLS00256

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Special Alert: SLS00256

Bulletin Document
V 1
Date: August 10, 2005
To: All Issuing Offices
RE: FDIC Special Alert Notices- SA-86-2005 through SA-94-2005

 Dear Associates:

This Bulletin is to advise you, in accordance with Stewart Information Services Corporation's (?SISCO?) Anti-Fraud Plan, that the FDIC has issued the above-referenced Special Alert Notices. In order to view these and other Special Alert Notices issued by the FDIC, please refer to the website address listed below:


If you suspect an attempt to defraud or a fraud should ever be perpetrated against any SISCO Family Underwriter and/or its agents, please report the activity immediately to:

Patty Hoesl
Claims & Litigation Paralegal
Stewart Legal Services
Stewart Title Guaranty Company
1980 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 710
Houston, Texas 77056
(800) 729-1902
(713) 629-2248 FAX

phoesl@stewart.com EMAIL

For on-line viewing of this bulletin, log onto http://specialalerts.stewart.com/





CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Ohio Heritage Bank, Coshocton, Ohio , are reportedly in circulation.


Ohio Heritage Bank, Coshocton, Ohio, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the proper routing number of 041202922 for Ohio Heritage Bank; however, the fraudulent items are markedly dissimilar to authentic bank checks. The layout, style and fonts are different. A copy of a counterfeit item and a copy of an authentic cashier's check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Tim A. Vance
Security and Compliance Officer
Ohio Heritage Bank
200 Main Street
Coshocton, Ohio 43812
Telephone: (740) 622-8311
Fax: (740) 623-2492

Information about these instruments may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Michael J. Zamorski


Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks - commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov)




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit U.S. Treasury Checks


The Federal Reserve Banks have issued an alert describing two specific counterfeit scams involving U.S. Treasury checks.


The Federal Reserve Banks have issued an alert describing two counterfeit scams involving U.S. Treasury checks. The following common characteristics have been identified.

The first scam of counterfeit U.S. Treasury checks has the following characteristics:

  • The inventory control number at the top of the check is "S 339,338,063";
  • The same last eight digits "89,455,573" are included in the check number;
  • All checks have "Austin, Texas" printed next to the date, and immediately preceding the check number;
  • Immediately below the check number is the wording "andover tax refund";
  • The MICR line has "040405" before the amount field;
  • The MICR line was not produced using magnetic ink; and
  • The date, amount, payee name and address differ on each check.

The second scam of counterfeit U.S. Treasury checks has the following characteristics:

  • In most instances, the inventory control number at the top of the check is "A 369,261,360";
  • The same last eight digits "72,914,561" are included in the check number;
  • All checks have "Austin, Texas" printed next to the date, and immediately preceding the check number;
  • The MICR line has "190405" before the amount field;
  • The MICR line was produced using magnetic ink; and
  • The date, amount, payee name and address differ on each check.

The Richmond Federal Reserve Bank can verify U.S. Treasury check information at (804) 697-2605. Security features of Treasury checks are displayed at: http://www.fms.treas.gov/checkclaims/check_security_new.pdf 112k (PDF Help).

Information about these checks may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Michael J. Zamorski


Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)

NOTE: Paper copies of FDIC Special Alerts may be obtained through the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW , Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940).




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit International Money Orders


Counterfeit TravelersExpress money orders are reportedly in circulation.


The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has been informed that counterfeit TravelersExpress money orders are reportedly in circulation. TravelersExpress issues a wide variety of money orders, money grams, official checks, share drafts and gift certificates. Therefore, a description of each item is not included in this Special Alert. However, the www.moneygram.com Web site describes the location for displaying the money order numbers on money orders, including the stub, bank code line, and "in large block" numbers on the side or on the upper right hand corner of the money order. The signature of the purchaser should be on the item.

To verify the authenticity of TravelersExpress money grams or money orders, you may call (800) 542-3590. Customer service representatives are available Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Central Standard Time; on Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central Standard Time; and on Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Central Standard Time. An automated service is offered 24 hours a day.

To verify the authenticity of TravelersExpress official checks, you may call (800) 323-6873. Customer service representatives are available Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Central Standard Time and on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Central Standard Time. An automated system is available Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Central Standard Time; and on Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central Standard Time.

Information about these items may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Michael J. Zamorski


Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)

NOTE: Paper copies of FDIC Special Alerts may be obtained through the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW , Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940).




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Official Checks


Counterfeit official checks drawn on Irwin Bank & Trust Company, Irwin, Pennsylvania, are reportedly in circulation.


Irwin Bank & Trust Company, Irwin, Pennsylvania, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit official checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the proper routing number of 043316256 for Irwin Bank & Trust Company. The counterfeit items and authentic checks are similar. However, across the bar at the top of authentic official checks is printed: "THIS DOCUMENT IS PRINTED IN TWO COLORS - DO NOT ACCEPT UNLESS BLUE AND GREEN ARE PRESENT." In addition, counterfeit items contain the word "Remitter" followed by a colon under the bank logo in the upper-left portion of the check; authentic official checks do not include the word "remitter." A copy of a counterfeit item and an authentic official check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Keith Frid, CBA, CRCM, CFSA
AVP Auditor/Security Officer
Irwin Bank & Trust Company
309 Main Street
Irwin, Pennsylvania 15642
Telephone: (724) 978-2725
Fax: (724) 978-2738

Information about these instruments may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Michael J. Zamorski


Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks - commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on State Bank, La Grange, Texas , are reportedly in circulation.


State Bank, La Grange, Texas, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the proper routing number of 113104521 for State Bank; however, the fraudulent items are markedly dissimilar to authentic bank checks. The layout, style and fonts are different. In addition, the counterfeit items include an address and telephone number; authentic checks do not include an address or telephone number. A copy of a counterfeit item and a copy of an authentic cashier's check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Steven Serapin
Banking Officer, Fraud/Image Department
State Bank
P.O. Box B
La Grange, Texas 78945
Telephone: (979) 968-8451, Extension 7259
Fax: (979) 968-9574

Information about these instruments may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Michael J. Zamorski


Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks - commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)





CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Official Checks


Counterfeit official checks drawn on Southbridge Savings Bank, Southbridge, Massachusetts, are reportedly in circulation.


Southbridge Savings Bank, Southbridge, Massachusetts, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit official checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display a proper routing number of 096016765 for Southbridge Savings Bank; however, authentic official checks are payable through Travelers Express Company, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota. The fraudulent items are markedly dissimilar to authentic bank checks. The layout, style and fonts are different. In addition, the counterfeit items use the term "OFFICIAL BANK DRAFT," which is located in the bottom-left portion of the check; Southbridge Savings Bank checks use the term "OFFICIAL CHECK," which is also located in the bottom-left portion of the check. A copy of a counterfeit item and a copy of an authentic official check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Cheryl A. Caouette
Southbridge Savings Bank
253-257 Main Street, P.O. Box 370
Southbridge, Massachusetts 01550
Telephone: (508) 764-0073
Fax: (508) 764-0793

Information about these instruments may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Michael J. Zamorski


Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks - commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on The Citizens Bank, Farmington, New Mexico , are reportedly in circulation.


The Citizens Bank, Farmington, New Mexico, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the proper routing number of 102202078 for The Citizens Bank. The counterfeit items and authentic checks are similar. However, authentic cashier's checks are printed on either a blue or green background. The counterfeit items have been printed on a pink background. A copy of a counterfeit item and a copy of an authentic cashier's check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Phyllis Gallegos
Vice President
The Citizens Bank
500 West Broadway
Farmington, New Mexico 87401
Telephone: (505) 599-0192
Fax: (505) 566-1173

Information about these instruments may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Michael J. Zamorski


Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks - commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW, Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940; fax: 202-416-2076; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)




CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Rockport National Bank, Rockport, Massachusetts , are reportedly in circulation.


The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has notified the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) of a recently issued OCC Alert concerning counterfeit cashier's checks being issued in the name of Rockport National Bank, Rockport, Massachusetts.

The OCC Alert states that the counterfeit items contain a memo line with the wording "Tri-Star," are numbered 50312 or 50313, and have an account number of 7200431. The word "street" and "Rockport" are both misspelled in the counterfeit items. To date, these checks have been received in connection with an Internet game or sweepstakes. Authentic checks do not contain the bank address or telephone number, and the bank number should be 53-526.

To verify the authenticity of Rockport National Bank cashier's checks or to provide any information you have concerning this matter, you should contact:

Kathryn Bruni
Security Officer
Rockport National Bank
Telephone: (978) 309-1230
Fax: (978) 546-3263
Email: kbruni@rockportnational.com

Information about these instruments may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Michael J. Zamorski


Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)

NOTE: Paper copies of FDIC Special Alerts may be obtained through the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW , Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940)





CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Fraudulent Regulatory Agency Issuances


The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has issued an alert stating that emails claiming to be from the OCC regarding control over restricted funds are fraudulent.


The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has advised the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) that emails allegedly issued by the OCC regarding restricted funds continue to circulate. Any emails or other documents claiming that the OCC is holding, or has placed a hold on, any funds for the benefit of any individual or entity are fraudulent. The OCC does not participate in the transfer of funds for, or on behalf of, individuals, businesses or governmental entities. Additionally, the OCC does not establish, maintain or control any deposit accounts for, or in the name of, any individuals, businesses or governments. Likewise, the FDIC does not participate in the transfer of funds or control deposit accounts for, or in the name of, any individuals, businesses or governments.

The emails in question, which contain forged signatures of actual OCC officials, falsely claim that the OCC or other federal bank regulatory agency is holding payments owed by foreign governments or foreign organizations. The emails encourage the recipient to reply to a hyperlink (email) address so that the funds can be released, warning that a delay in responding might cause the OCC to cancel the obligations due to the recipient. The hyperlink, as well as telephone and facsimile numbers contained in the email, are not those of any OCC office or official. These emails appear similar to documents referenced in previous OCC alerts. See OCC Alerts 2004-3, 2004-11, and 2001-5 and their attachments, which can be found at http://www.occ.treas.gov under the subdirectory "Issuances."

Before responding in any manner to any proposal supposedly issued by the OCC that requests personal information or personal account information, or that requires the payment of any fee in connection with the proposal, you should take steps to verify that the proposal is legitimate.

At a minimum, the OCC recommends that you:

  • Contact the OCC directly to verify the legitimacy of the proposal by:
    1. Internet, using the OCC's Web address, http://www.occ.treas.gov;
    2. Mail, addressed to:

OCC's Enforcement & Compliance (E&C) Division
250 E Street, SW
Mail Stop 8-10
Washington, DC 20219
Attention: E&C Division Director

    1. Facsimile, using the E&C Division's facsimile number, (202) 874-5301; or
    2. Telephone, using the E&C Division phone number, (202) 874-4800;
  • Do not rely upon the contact information contained in the email in determining whether or not a proposal is legitimate;
  • Review the OCC alerts and related information, which can be accessed on the OCC's Web site at http://www.occ.treas.gov under "Issuances"; and
  • If the proposal appears to be fraudulent, and the proposal was received by either email or the Internet, report the incident to the Internet Fraud Complaint Center at http://www.ifccfbi.gov and follow the instructions for filing a complaint.

Any information regarding the subject of this or any other alert that you wish to bring to the attention of the OCC may be sent to occalertresponses@occ.treas.gov.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2005/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Michael J. Zamorski


Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)

NOTE: Paper copies of FDIC Special Alerts may be obtained through the FDIC's Public Information Center, 801 17th Street, NW , Room 100, Washington, DC 20434 (1-877-275-3342 or 202-416-6940).



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