Special Alert: SLS00293

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Special Alert: SLS00293

Bulletin Document
V 1
Date: May 11, 2006
To: All Issuing Offices
RE: FDIC Special Alert Notices - SA-119-2006 through SA-129-2006

Dear Associates:

This Bulletin is to advise you, in accordance with Stewart Information Services Corporation's (“SISCO”) Anti-Fraud Plan, that the FDIC has issued the above-referenced Special Alert Notices. In order to view these and other Special Alert Notices issued by the FDIC, please refer to the website address listed below:                                      


If you suspect an attempt to defraud or a fraud should ever be perpetrated against any SISCO Family Underwriter and/or its agents, please report the activity immediately to:

Patty Hoesl
Claims & Litigation Paralegal
Stewart Legal Services
Stewart Title Guaranty Company
1980 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 710
Houston, Texas 77056
(800) 729-1902
(713) 629-2248 FAX
phoesl@stewart.com EMAILFor on-line viewing of this bulletin, log onto http://specialalerts.stewart.com/



Special Alerts


April 28, 2006



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Personal Money Orders


Counterfeit personal money orders bearing the name United Roosevelt Savings Bank,Carteret, New Jersey, are reportedly in circulation.


United Roosevelt Savings Bank, Carteret, New Jersey, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit personal money orders bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 092005411, which is assigned to First Interstate Bank, Helena, Montana . United Roosevelt Savings Bank issues personal money orders through Travelers Express Company, Inc. (now known as Money Gram International, Inc.), which has an account at First Interstate Bank.

The counterfeit items are very similar to authentic personal money orders. However, the counterfeit items have random threads, which are similar to those found in currency. Authentic personal money orders have darker print than the counterfeit items. In addition, authentic personal money orders have a watermark on the reverse side that is not present on the counterfeit personal money orders. A copy of a counterfeit item and a copy of an authentic money order (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Linda Spoganetz
Vice President
United Roosevelt Savings Bank
11-15 Cooke Avenue
Carteret, New Jersey 07008
Telephone: (732) 541-5445
Fax: (732) 541-5446

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's website at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks – commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200; fax: 703-562-2296; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)


Special Alerts


April 28, 2006



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Savings Bank of Walpole, Walpole, New Hampshire, has reported that counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.


Savings Bank of Walpole, Walpole, New Hampshire, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 211770093, which is assigned to Savings Bank of Walpole , but are dissimilar to authentic checks. The counterfeit items display the bank's name above an address in the upper-left corner. The words "CASHIER'S CHECK" and "Remitter" appear in the top center. A statement describing security features, including reference to a watermark on the reverse side, is embedded within the top border.

Authentic checks display the words "OFFICIAL CHECK" in the top center and the bank's weather vane logo and name on the upper-left side. Authentic checks are issued through Integrated Payment Systems and include the routing number 022000868, which is assigned to a payable-through account at Citibank, Buffalo, New York . Authentic checks have ornate borders on the top and sides.

Copies of a counterfeit item and an authentic check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Peter T. Whittemore
Senior Vice President
Savings Bank of Walpole
84 Marlboro Street
Keene, New Hampshire 03431
Telephone: (603) 355-1606
Fax: (603) 355-1630
E-mail: pwhittemore@savingsbankofwalpole.com

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's website at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks – commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200; fax: 703-562-2296; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)


Special Alerts


April 28, 2006



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name of Sterling Savings Bank, Spokane, Washington, are reportedly in circulation.


Sterling Savings Bank, Spokane, Washington, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 325171740, which is assigned to Sterling Savings Bank. Authentic checks are issued through Integrated Payment Systems and bear the routing number 022000868, which is a payable-through account at Citibank, Buffalo, New York.

The counterfeit items are dissimilar to authentic checks. The counterfeit items display the bank's name and address in the top-left corner above a telephone number, which is not associated with the bank. The words "CASHIER'S CHECK" and "Remitter" appear in the top center. A statement describing security features, including reference to a watermark on the reverse side, is embedded in the top border.

Authentic checks display the words "OFFICIAL CHECK" in the top-center portion of the check. The bank's name and logo are in the upper-left corner. Authentic official checks have ornate borders on the sides and top, with reference to security features printed below the top border.

Copies of a counterfeit item and an authentic check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Linda Barksdale
Assistant Vice President and Fraud Investigator
Sterling Savings Bank
Telephone: (425) 452-8149
E-mail: linda.barksdale@sterlingsavings.com


Deposit Operations
Telephone: (509) 227-6987

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's website at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks – commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200; fax: 703-562-2296; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)


Special Alerts


April 28, 2006



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name Heritage Bank of Commerce, San Jose, California, are reportedly in circulation.


Heritage Bank of Commerce, San Jose, California, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 121142287, which is assigned to Heritage Bank of Commerce, but are dissimilar in appearance to authentic official checks. The counterfeit items display the words "CASHIER'S CHECK" in the top center, and the bank's name in the upper- left corner above a "Remitter" line. The bank's name, address and a telephone number, not associated with the bank, appear in the lower-left corner. The following statement is embedded in the top border: "THIS DOCUMENT HAS A GRADUATED BACKGROUND, DARK TO LIGHT. THE REVERSE SIDE INCLUDES AN ARTIFICIAL WATERMARK."

Authentic official checks display the words "OFFICIAL CHECK" in the top center and the bank's name, address and telephone number in the upper-left corner. Authentic official checks are issued by Integrated Payment Systems Inc., payable through Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., and display the routing number 122037171. The checks are gray and fade to pink in the center. A security lock symbol and a description of security features are printed in the lower-right corner. The borders are ornate. The following statement is printed twice below the top border: "HOLD DOCUMENT UP TO THE LIGHT TO VIEW TRUE WATERMARK."

A copy of a counterfeit item and a copy of an authentic check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Jill Howard
Vice President and Central Operations Manager
Heritage Bank of Commerce
150 Almaden Boulevard
San Jose, California 95113
Telephone: (408) 792-4084
Fax: (408) 947-6910
E-mail: jill.howard@herbank.com

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's website at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks – commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200; fax: 703-562-2296; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)


Special Alerts


April 28, 2006



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks and money orders bearing the name of Dime Bank, Norwich, Connecticut, are reportedly in circulation.


Dime Bank, Norwich, Connecticut, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit cashier's checks and money orders bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 211173373, which is assigned to Dime Bank, but are dissimilar in appearance to authentic cashier's checks and authentic money orders. The counterfeit items have a statement describing security features embedded in the top border and the words "CASHIER'S CHECK" or "MONEY ORDER" displayed in the top center. The bank's name and a " Broadway Street " address appear in the top-left corner of the counterfeit items. The bank's name also appears above the authorized signature line in the lower-right corner, and the statement "SIGNATURE HAS A COLOURED BACKGROUND" is printed below the authorized signature line of both counterfeit items.

Authentic checks and money orders display the bank's Mercury Dime logo and name, the equal housing lender symbol, a Salem Turnpike address, and a telephone number in the upper-left corner. Printed vertically within the right border are a padlock symbol and the statements "Security features included. Details on back." The words "CASHIERS CHECK" are printed in the upper-right corner of authentic cashier's checks, and the words "PERSONAL MONEY ORDER" are printed in the top center of authentic money orders. On the lower-right side, authentic money orders require the following lines to be completed by the remitter: signature of the remitter, address, and city and state.

Copies of the counterfeit items, an authentic cashier's check (VOID), and an authentic money order (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Shawn J. Pishka
Dime Bank
290 Salem Turnpike
Norwich, Connecticut 06360
Phone: (860) 859-4300
Fax: (860) 892-0045
E-mail: Spishka@dime-bank.com

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's website at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks – commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200; fax: 703-562-2296; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)


Special Alerts


April 28, 2006



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit official checks bearing the name Citizens South Bank, Gastonia, North Carolina, are reportedly in circulation.


Citizens South Bank, Gastonia, North Carolina, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit official checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 096016765, which is assigned to U.S. Bank, National Association, St. Paul , Minnesota . Citizens South Bank issues official checks through an account with Travelers Express Company, Inc. (now known as Money Gram International, Inc.), held at U.S. Bank, National Association.

The counterfeit items have rounded corners and are printed on blue check stock with white marbling. The top border is dark blue and has the following statement embedded within the border: "THIS DOCUMENT HAS A COLORED BACKGROUND AND MICROPRINTING. THE REVERSE SIDE INCLUDES AN ARTIFICIAL WATERMARK." The logo on the counterfeit item uses a lower case "j" in the wording "just Right for You."

Authentic official checks are printed on sky blue check stock with clouds in the background and are framed with a rectangular border. Beneath the border, the following statement is displayed: "THIS DOCUMENT HAS AN ARTIFICIAL WATERMARK PRINTED ON THE BACK. THE FRONT OF THE DOCUMENT HAS A MICRO-PRINT SIGNATURE LINE. ABSENCE OF THESE FEATURES WILL INDICATE A COPY." Authentic checks display the bank's telephone number.

A copy of a counterfeit item and a copy of an authentic official check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Jen Carey
Accounting Department
Citizens South Bank
519 South New Hope Road
Gastonia, North Carolina 28504
Telephone: (704) 884-2275
Fax: (704) 868-0791
E-mail: jen.carey@citizenssouth.com

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's website at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks – commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200; fax: 703-562-2296; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)


Special Alerts


April 28, 2006



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name of The Bank of the Pacific, Bellingham, Washington, are reportedly in circulation.


The Bank of the Pacific, Aberdeen, Washington, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 125107707, which is assigned to The Bank of the Pacific, but are dissimilar in appearance to authentic checks. The counterfeit items display the bank's logo, name and a Bellingham, Washington , address in the upper-left corner. "CASHIER'S CHECK" is printed in the top center, and a box on the right side contains the following notations: "DATE, CHECK NO., AMOUNT." The following statement is printed in the top border: "THE DOCUMENT HAS A COLORED BACKGROUND AND MICROPRINTING. THE REVERSE SIDE INCLUDES AN ARTIFICIAL WATERMARK."

Authentic checks display the bank's logo, name, a Bellingham, Washington , address and a telephone number in the top center below "Original Financial Instrument." "CASHIER'S CHECK" is printed in the lower-left corner. Below the dollars amount line is the statement: "This document has a multi-colored background, a micro-print signature line, and a holographic foil title, absence of these features will indicate a copy." Authentic checks have ornate borders on all sides.

A copy of a counterfeit item and a copy of an authentic check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Jerry Phillips
Assistant Vice President/Risk Manager
The Bank of the Pacific
Phone: (360) 642-5524 Extension 2251
Fax: (360) 642-3423
E-mail: Alert@thebankofthepacific.com

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's website at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks – commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200; fax: 703-562-2296; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)


Special Alerts


April 28, 2006



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name King Southern Bank, Chaplin, Kentucky, are reportedly in circulation.


King Southern Bank, Chaplin, Kentucky, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 083907052, which is assigned to King Southern Bank, and are similar in appearance to authentic checks. The counterfeit items are printed on blue check stock paper with blue borders. A telephone number, not associated with the bank, is displayed below the bank's name and address in the top center. The following statement is printed in the top border: "THE DOCUMENT CONTAINS SECURITY FEATURES & MICROPRINTING."

King Southern Bank issues two kinds of authentic cashier's checks, both on different colors of check stock paper. Authentic checks have ornate black borders on all sides and display a security lock symbol in the upper-left corner. The checks that are printed on blue safety paper include the bank's name and address in the top center. The checks that are printed on yellow paper display the telephone number 1-502-673-3154 below the bank's name and address in the top-left corner.

A copy of a counterfeit item and a copy of a blue authentic check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Mike Bennett
Vice President of Operations
King Southern Bank
10501 Watterson Trail
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
Phone: (502) 515-2265
Fax: (502) 266-9600
E-mail: michaelbennett@kingcorporategroup.com

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks – commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200; fax: 703-562-2296; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)


Special Alerts


April 28, 2006



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name Stafford Savings Bank, Stafford Springs, Connecticut, are reportedly in circulation.


Stafford Savings Bank, Stafford Springs, Connecticut, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items include the routing number 211174262, which is assigned to Stafford Savings Bank, but are dissimilar to authentic checks. The counterfeit items are printed on pink paper and display the Stafford Savings Bank logo in the upper-left corner above "Cashier's Check." The items also include the bank's name, city, state and a toll-free telephone number, not associated with the bank, in the top center. Descriptions of security features are embedded in the top border.

Authentic checks display the bank's name, city and state, as well the wording "CENTRE ACCOUNT" in the upper-left corner. The checks are printed on blue, green or yellow paper with descriptions of security features embedded in the top and bottom borders.

A copy of a counterfeit item and a copy of an authentic check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Rosanne G. Roszczewski
Vice President
Stafford Savings Bank
74 West Stafford Road
Stafford Springs, Connecticut 06076
Telephone: (860) 684-6321, Extension 7041
Fax: (860) 684-8044
E-mail: roser@staffordsavingsbank.com

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents, and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks – commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200; fax: 703-562-2296; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)


Special Alerts


April 28, 2006



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name United Commercial Bank, San Francisco, California, are reportedly in circulation.


United Commercial Bank, San Francisco, California, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items include the routing number 321070450, which is assigned to United Commercial Bank, and are similar to authentic checks. The counterfeit items display the bank's name and address in the top-left portion of the item, a lock symbol near the center, and one signature line.

Authentic cashier's checks display the bank's name in all capital letters above the address in the top-left portion of the check. The checks include the wording "VOID AFTER 90 DAYS OF ISSUANCE" near the top center, a verification box in the top right, and a lock symbol near the right edge of the check. Two signature lines are displayed, along with a statement beneath the bottom signature line that reads: "TWO SIGNATURES REQUIRED FOR $10,000.00 OR MORE." Authentic checks are printed on light gray safeguard paper that will display void markings when photocopied.

A copy of a counterfeit item and a copy of an authentic cashier's check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Laurence Griffin
Assistant Vice President and Security Officer
United Commercial Bank
6711 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, California 94102
Telephone: (415) 929-6369
Fax: (415) 673-3209
E-mail: lgriffin@unitedcb.com

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's website at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks – commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200; fax: 703-562-2296; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)


Special Alerts


April 28, 2006



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name First Sentinel Bank, Richlands, Virginia, are reportedly in circulation.


First Sentinel Bank, Richlands, Virginia, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items include the routing number 251473512, which is assigned to First Sentinel Bank, but are dissimilar to authentic checks. The counterfeit items display a negative image of the bank's logo in the top-left portion of the item that includes a dark background and light lettering. The counterfeit items also display the wording "CASHIER'S CHECK" on the left side of the item. In the top-center portion of the counterfeit item, the bank's name and location are printed, followed by a toll-free telephone number, which is not associated with the bank.

Authentic cashier's checks display the wording "Cashier's Check" in the upper-right corner of the check. The checks also display a logo, which is an image of a person superimposed over a large "1." The image of the person is light; the background color of the "1" is dark. To the right of the logo, "FIRST SENTINEL BANK" appears in a large font. Below the logo and the bank's name is the wording "Subsidiary of First Region Bancshares, Inc."

A copy of a counterfeit item and a copy of an authentic cashier's check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Serena McClanahan
Administrative Assistant -Operations Center
First Sentinel Bank
679 Claypool Hill Mall Road
P.O. Box 1050
Richlands, Virginia 24641
Telephone: (276) 963-3000, Extension 230
Fax: (276) 964-4958
E-mail: serenamcclanahan@firstsentinelbank.com

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's website at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site online copies of fraudulent instruments or copies of the genuine instruments that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use the electronic versions of these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Printed copies of fraudulent instruments are mailed with the Special Alert letter to the financial institutions on the letter's distribution list (generally, FDIC-supervised banks – commercial and savings). Printed copies of the Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center, telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200; fax: 703-562-2296; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)



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