Special Alert: SLS00305

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Special Alert: SLS00305

Bulletin Document
V 1
Date: August 04, 2006
To: All Issuing Offices
RE: FDIC Special Alert Notices - SA-193-2006 through SA-198-2006

Dear Associates:

This Bulletin is to advise you, in accordance with Stewart Information Services Corporation's (“SISCO”) Anti-Fraud Plan, that the FDIC has issued the above-referenced Special Alert Notices. In order to view these and other Special Alert Notices issued by the FDIC, please refer to the website address listed below:


If you suspect an attempt to defraud or a fraud should ever be perpetrated against any SISCO Family Underwriter and/or its agents, please report the activity immediately to:

Patty Hoesl
Claims & Litigation Paralegal
Stewart Legal Services
Stewart Title Guaranty Company
1980 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 710
Houston, Texas 77056
(800) 729-1902
(713) 629-2248 FAX
phoesl@stewart.com EMAIL

For on-line viewing of this bulletin, log onto http://specialalerts.stewart.com/


July 14, 2006



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name Credit Union of Texas, Dallas, Texas, are reportedly in circulation.


Credit Union of Texas, Dallas, Texas, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items bear the routing number 311079306, which is assigned to Credit Union of Texas, and are similar to authentic checks. However, authentic checks have the following wording embedded in the top border: "VERIFICATION BOX (TO RIGHT OF ARROW, HOLD BETWEEN THUMB AND FOREFINGER, OR BREATHE ON IT, COLOR WILL DISAPPEAR, THEN REAPPEAR)." Directly next to that wording is a small arrow pointing right toward a beige-colored box. In addition, the words "CASHIER'S CHECK" are centered at the top of authentic checks and to the left of an "NCUA" logo. Copies of a counterfeit item and an authentic cashier's check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Stephanie Daniel
Fraud Control Department
Credit Union of Texas
8131 LBJ Freeway, Suite 550
Dallas, Texas 75251
Toll-Free Telephone: (800) 314-3828
Business Telephone: (972) 705-4865

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site electronic images of fraudulent items or authentic checks that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Financial institutions can view images of the fraudulent items and authentic checks (marked as VOID) using the FDIC's free, secure Web site, FDICconnect. (See more information about FDICconnect at http://www.fdic.gov/news/news/financial/2006/fil06032.html.) Printed copies of each Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200; fax: 703-562-2296; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)


July 14, 2006



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name 1st Security Bank of Washington, Lynnwood, Washington, are reportedly in circulation.


1st Security Bank of Washington, Mountlake Terrace, Washington, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that fraudulent cashier's checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 325182289, which is assigned to 1st Security Bank of Washington, but are dissimilar to authentic checks. The counterfeit items include a Lynnwood, Washington, address and a telephone number, which is not associated with the bank, in the upper-left corner. The words "FDIC INSURED" and "CASHIER'S CHECK" appear in the top center. The statement "THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS SECURITY FEATURES - SEE REVERSE" is embedded in the top border. A square gold hologram appears next to the two signature lines in the lower-right corner.

Authentic checks display the bank's name in the upper-left corner, followed by four lines that include "Mountlake Terrance Office, P.O. Box 97000, Lynwood, WA 98046-9700, (800) 683-0973." Authentic checks bear the routing number 125000574, which is assigned to Key Bank. The words "KEY BANK, LYNNWOOD OFFICE" are printed on two lines in the top-right corner. Authentic checks have one authorized signature line in the lower-right corner below the words "VOID AFTER 90 DAYS" and the bank's name.

Copies of a counterfeit item and an authentic check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Jean Collins, Fraud Analyst
1st Security Bank of Washington Client Services Department
P.O. Box 97000
Lynnwood, Washington 98046-9700
Telephone: (800) 683-0973, Extension 3202
Fax: (425) 771-1642
E-mail: jeanc@1stsecurityofwa.com

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site electronic images of fraudulent items or authentic checks that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Financial institutions can view images of the fraudulent items and authentic checks (marked as VOID) using the FDIC's free, secure Web site, FDICconnect. (See more information about FDICconnect at http://www.fdic.gov/news/news/financial/2006/fil06032.html.) Printed copies of each Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200; fax: 703-562-2296; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)


July 14, 2006



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name Chester County Bank, Henderson, Tennessee, are reportedly in circulation.


Chester County Bank, Henderson, Tennessee, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit checks bearing the bank's name are in circulation. The counterfeit items are associated with a lottery scam and are accompanied by a sweepstakes notification letter that is purportedly from "Prudential Locators Inc." There are different versions of the letter, including one that informs the recipient of unclaimed prize money, and another that references expediting the payment of the recipient's processing fee related to the recipient's winnings.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 084301479, which is assigned to Chester County Bank, and contain the following statement embedded in the top border: "THE FACE OF THIS DOCUMENT IS PRINTED RED • THE BACK CONTAINS A SIMULATED WATERMARK." The counterfeit items also display the bank's logo in the top-left corner followed by the words "CASHIER'S CHECK." Along the top center, "CHESTER COUNTY BANK, Henderson, TN, 1-866-273-7198" is printed on three lines. The printed telephone number is not associated with the bank.

Authentic checks display the bank's logo in the top-center portion of the check. Authentic checks do not have security wording embedded in the top border, and they have printed lines for the "REMITTER," "DATE" and "PAY TO THE ORDER OF" amount and signature fields. In addition, the words "CASHIER'S CHECK" are displayed in the lower-left portion of the check.

Copies of a counterfeit item and an authentic check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Connie Austin, Assistant Vice President,
Judy Daniels, Chief Executive Officer, or
Neal Smith, President
Chester County Bank
224 W. Main Street
Henderson, Tennessee 38340
Telephone: (731) 989-4684
Fax: (731) 989-2442
E-mail: nealsmith@bellsouth.net

To report this scam or any other scam based in or mailed from Canada, please contact Phonebusters, which is a joint partnership between the Ontario Provincial Police and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Phonebusters is interested in receiving copies of scam letters, particularly those involving Canadian mailing addresses or telephone numbers. Records relating to the payment of advance fees should also be forwarded to Phonebusters. This information is used to assist in the strategic targeting of would-be fraudsters. Scam letters should be forwarded to the Phonebusters National Call Center (PNCC) as follows:


Box 686
North Bay, Ontario, Canada
P1B 8J8

Web site:



+1 (888) 495-8501 (toll-free in Canada and the USA)


+1 (888) 654-9426 (toll-free in Canada and the USA)



Advance fee fraud (including Nigerian and lottery letters):wafl@phonebusters.com

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's website at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site electronic images of fraudulent items or authentic checks that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Financial institutions can view images of the fraudulent items and authentic checks (marked as VOID) using the FDIC's free, secure Web site, FDICconnect. (See more information about FDICconnect at http://www.fdic.gov/news/news/financial/2006/fil06032.html.) Printed copies of each Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200; fax: 703-562-2296; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)


July 14, 2006



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Fraudulent Checks


Fraudulent checks bearing the name Arkansas Bankers Bank, Little Rock, Arkansas, are reportedly in circulation.


Arkansas Bankers Bank, Little Rock, Arkansas, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that fraudulent checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation.

The fraudulent items display the routing number 082001700, which is assigned to Arkansas Bankers Bank; however, Arkansas Bankers Bank does not offer checking accounts to the public. In general, bankers' banks are owned by and provide services to commercial banks. Transactions made by Arkansas Bankers Bank should only occur with other authorized commercial banks.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Bill May
Chairman – Emeritus
Arkansas Bankers Bank
1020 West Second Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
Telephone: (501) 371-0535
Fax: (501) 375-2281
E-mail: bmay@arbankersbank.com

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents, and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's website at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)


July 14, 2006



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Cashier's Checks


Counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name Greenville First Bank, Greenville, South Carolina, are reportedly in circulation.


Greenville First Bank, N.A., Greenville, South Carolina, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the institution's name are in circulation. The bank issues official checks rather than cashier's checks.

The counterfeit items bear the routing number 111036002, which is not assigned to Greenville First Bank. In addition, the counterfeit items are dissimilar to authentic checks. The counterfeit items include the words "CASHIER'S CHECK" in the top-center portion of the check. The bank's name is printed in the upper-left corner with a heavy black line and a thin black line bordering the bank's name above and below it.

Authentic checks bear the routing number 053208011, which is assigned to Greenville First Bank. The checks have a light gray background and display "OFFICIAL CHECK" directly below a hologram in the top center. Embedded within the hologram are the words "SECURE" and "GENUINE." In addition, the statement "THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS ARTIFICIAL WATERMARK AND MICROPRINTED SIGNATURE LINE" is embedded within the top border of authentic checks.

Copies of a counterfeit item and an authentic official check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Gwen G. Bridges
Senior Vice President for Risk Management
Greenville First Bank, N.A.
P.O. Box 17465
Greenville, South Carolina 29606
Telephone: (864) 679-9000
Fax: (864) 679-9098
E-mail: gbridges@greenvillefirst.com

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's Web site at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site electronic images of fraudulent items or authentic checks that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Financial institutions can view images of the fraudulent items and authentic checks (marked as VOID) using the FDIC's free, secure Web site, FDICconnect. (See more information about FDICconnect at http://www.fdic.gov/news/news/financial/2006/fil06032.html.) Printed copies of each Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200; fax: 703-562-2296; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)


July 14, 2006


CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)


Counterfeit Checks


Counterfeit checks bearing the name Castle Bank, Baltimore, Maryland, are reportedly in circulation.


Ireland Bank, Malad City, Idaho, has contacted the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to report that counterfeit checks that include the name Castle Bank and the routing number associated with Ireland Bank are in circulation. The counterfeit items are associated with a Canadian prize scam and are accompanied by a letter that is purportedly from "First Rate Security & Disbursement." The letter notifies the recipient of unclaimed prize money. A Canadian address is printed on the bottom of the letter.

The counterfeit items display the routing number 124100857, which is assigned to Ireland Bank. There is no Castle Bank chartered in the state of Maryland; however, the logo displayed on the counterfeit items is a logo used by Castle Bank, National Association, DeKalb, Illinois. The counterfeit items are tan in color.

Authentic checks issued by Ireland Bank are printed on light green check stock and include "OFFICIAL CHECK" in the top-center portion of the checks. The bank's logo of an interlocking "I" and "B" is displayed in the top-left corner next to the bank's name.

Copies of a counterfeit item and an authentic check (VOID) are attached for your review.

Any information you have concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Regene Jones
Compliance Officer
Ireland Bank
33 Bannock Street
Malad City, Idaho 83252
Telephone: (208) 766-2211
Fax: (208) 766-2361
E-mail: rjones@ireland-bank.com

To report this scam or any other scam based in or mailed from Canada, please contact Phonebusters, which is a joint partnership between the Ontario Provincial Police and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Phonebusters is interested in receiving copies of scam letters, particularly those involving Canadian mailing addresses or telephone numbers. Records relating to the payment of advance fees should also be forwarded to Phonebusters. This information is used to assist in the strategic targeting of would-be fraudsters. Scam letters should be forwarded to the Phonebusters National Call Center (PNCC) as follows:


Box 686
North Bay, Ontario, Canada
P1B 8J8

Web site:



+1 (888) 495-8501 (toll-free in Canada and the USA)


+1 (888) 654-9426 (toll-free in Canada and the USA)



Advance fee fraud (including Nigerian and lottery letters):wafl@phonebusters.com

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to alert@fdic.gov. Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at http://www2.fdic.gov/starsmail/index.asp.

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's website at www.fdic.gov/news/news/SpecialAlert/2006/index.html. To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit www.fdic.gov/about/subscriptions/index.html.


Sandra L. Thompson


Acting Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

Attachment (not available electronically)

NOTE: As a security precaution, the FDIC does not post to its Web site electronic images of fraudulent items or authentic checks that have been counterfeited. This is to avoid attempts by others to use these instruments to facilitate additional fraud. Financial institutions can view images of the fraudulent items and authentic checks (marked as VOID) using the FDIC's free, secure Web site, FDICconnect. (See more information about FDICconnect at http://www.fdic.gov/news/news/financial/2006/fil06032.html.) Printed copies of each Special Alert and its attachment(s) may also be obtained from the FDIC's Public Information Center (telephone: 1-877-275-3342 or 703-562-2200; fax: 703-562-2296; or e-mail: publicinfo@fdic.gov).

Distribution: FDIC-Supervised Banks (Commercial and Savings)


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