TX Title Company Disclosure for Residential Closings 1995

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TX Title Company Disclosure for Residential Closings 1995

Form Document
V 1




SELLER (whether one or more):

BUYER (whether one or more):



By initialing some or all of the following items as may be appropriate for this transaction, each SELLER and/or BUYER acknowledges its understanding of the disclosures being made by ______________ TITLE COMPANY (hereinafter called "TITLE COMPANY"). Each disclosure is being made to Buyer and Seller on behalf of both TITLE COMPANY and its title insurance underwriter.

1) WAIVER OF INSPECTION. In consideration of the issuance by TITLE COMPANY to BUYER of a Texas Residential Owner Policy of Title Insurance (in this document such policy is referred to as the "Owner Title Policy") insuring good and indefeasible title to the Property, except as to be shown in Schedule B of the Owner Title Policy and subject to the terms and conditions of such Owner Title Policy, BUYER hereby waives any obligation on the part of TITLE COMPANY to inspect the Property.

BUYER agrees to accept an Owner Title Policy containing the Schedule B exception for "RIGHTS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION". "Rights of Parties in Possession" shall mean one or more persons or entities who are themselves actually physically occupying the property or a portion thereof under a claim or right adverse to the insured owner of the Property as shown on Schedule A of the Owner Title Policy.

"Possession includes open acts or visible evidence of occupancy and may include any visible and apparent roadway or easement on or across all or any part of the Property (but this exception does not extend to any right, claim or interest evidenced by a document recorded in the real estate records maintained by the County Clerk of the county in which all or a part of Property is located).

Buyer assumes full responsibility for obtaining possession from the Property's present occupants.

However, if the BUYER does not initial this paragraph, the BUYER is indicating the BUYER'S refusal to accept an Owner Title Policy containing an exception as to "RIGHTS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION". TITLE COMPANY may then require an inspection of the property and additional charges may be assessed for the reasonable and actual costs of such an inspection. TITLE COMPANY may make additional exceptions in Schedule B of the Owner Title Policy for matters revealed by such inspection.

Buyer's Initial s __________ __________

2) RECEIPT OF COMMITMENT. BUYER acknowledges having received a copy of the Commitment for Title Insurance issued in connection with the above referenced transaction and any copies of the documents described therein requested by BUYER.

Buyer's Initials __________ __________

3) A. NO SURVEY COVERAGE. BUYER understands that the Owner Title Policy to be issued to BUYER will not provide title insurance coverage against any discrepancies, conflicts, or shortages in area or boundary lines, or any encroachments or protrusions, or any overlapping of improvements.

The TITLE COMPANY may provide this coverage (except for "Shortages in Area") upon being supplied with survey acceptable to the TITLE COMPANY and the payment of an additional premium equal to 15% of the basic premium charge. The TITLE COMPANY may make additional exceptions for those items shown on the survey.



Buyer's Initials __________ __________

B. ACCEPTANCE OF SURVEY. BUYER has received and reviewed a copy of the survey of the Property made in connection with this transaction and acknowledges being aware of the following matters disclosed by the survey:


Buyer's Initials __________ ___________

C. OTHER SURVEY MATTERS. The TITLE COMPANY has not attempted to determine if the Property lies in a special flood hazard area. The TITLE COMPANY has not made any representation concerning proximity of the Property in relation to any flood-plain or flood hazard area. BUYER is advised that information concerning special flood hazard areas may be available from county or municipal offices, a qualified surveyor or land-engineering company, or a private flood-plain consultant.

Buyer's Initials __________ __________

4) PROPERTY TAX PRORATIONS. Property taxes for the current year have been prorated between BUYER and SELLER, who each acknowledge and understand that these prorations are based upon (a) the sales price or the most current appraised value available and the most current tax rate available or (b) some other common method of estimation. SELLER warrants and represents that there are no past due taxes owed on the Property and if such warranty and representation is untrue, the SELLER shall reimburse TITLE COMPANY, on demand, for any sums paid by the TITLE COMPANY to pay such taxes, and any related penalty and interest.

BUYER and SELLER each agree that, when amounts of the current year's taxes become known and payable (on or about October 1st), they will adjust any changes of the proration and reimbursement between themselves and that TITLE COMPANY shall have no liability or obligation with respect to these prorations.

Buyer's Initials _________ ________ Seller's Initials ________ ________

5) TAX RENDITION AND EXEMPTIONS. Although the Central Appraisal District (CAD) may independently determine BUYER'S new ownership and billing address, BUYER is still obligated by law to "render" the Property for taxation by notifying the CAD of the change in the Property's ownership and of BUYER'S proper address for tax billing. BUYER is advised that current year's taxes may have been assessed on the basis of various exemptions obtained by SELLER (e.g., homestead or over-65).

It is the BUYER'S responsibility to qualify for BUYER'S own tax exemptions and to meet any requirements prescribed by the taxing authorities. BUYER acknowledges and understands these obligations and the fact that TITLE COMPANY assumes no responsibility for future accuracy of CAD records concerning ownership, tax-billing address, or status of exemptions.

Buyer's Initials __________ __________

6) HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION. BUYER acknowledges that ownership of the Property involves membership in a Homeowner's, Condominium or other Property Owner's Association (Association), to which monthly or annual dues or assessments may be owed. These dues or assessments may be enforceable by a lien against the Property. BUYER understands that the Association (or its managing agent) should be contacted by BUYER immediately to ascertain the exact amount of future dues or assessments.

TITLE COMPANY has made no representations with respect to such Association's annual budget, pending repairs or deferred maintenance, if any, or other debts of the Association. BUYER accepts sole responsibility to obtain such information and verify its accuracy to BUYER'S satisfaction.

Buyer's Initials __________ __________

7) IRS REPORTING. SELLER acknowledges having received at closing a copy of the HUD-1 Settlement Statement as a Substitute Form 1099-S. In accordance with federal tax regulations, information from the HUD-1 Statement will be furnished to the Internal Revenue Service.

Seller's Initials __________ __________

8) CLOSING DISCLAIMER. SELLER and BUYER each acknowledge and understands that the above referenced transaction has not yet "closed". At this time, any change in possession of the Property takes place AT BUYER'S AND SELLER'S OWN RISK.

BUYER and SELLER also recognize that neither TITLE COMPANY nor its title insurance underwriter is under any obligation to defend possession of the Property. The Owner Title Policy issued in connection with this transaction will except from coverage any relevant documents discovered during the final downdate search of the public records.

Buyer's Initials ______ ______ Seller's Initials ______ ______

9) ERRORS AND OMISSIONS. In the event that any of the documents prepared in connection with the closing of this transaction contain errors which misstate or inaccurately reflect the true and correct terms, conditions and provisions of this closing, and the inaccuracy or misstatement is due to a clerical error or to a unilateral mistake on the part of the TITLE COMPANY, or to a mutual mistake on the part of the TITLE COMPANY and/or the SELLER and/or the BUYER, the undersigned agree to execute, in a timely manner, such correction documents as TITLE COMPANY may deem necessary to remedy such in accuracy or misstatement.

Buyer's Initials ______ ______ Seller's Initials ______ ______

10) EXPLANATION OF OWNER TITLE POLICY. Neither the Commitment for Title Insurance nor the Owner Title Policy are abstracts of title, title reports or representations of title and should not be relied upon as such and that, although documents have been signed, money collected and/or disbursed, a final downdate search may be made which could result in an Owner Title Policy not being issued. No representation is made that the BUYER'S intended use of the Property is allowed under law or under the restrictions or exceptions affecting the Property.

Buyer's Initials __________ __________

11) REPRESENTATIONS. In connection with the purchase of the Property, the BUYER acknowledges and represents that the Title Company Disclosures have been executed by the borrower and/or seller, respectively, and except as listed below, have not made any other representations.

Buyer's Initials _______ ______ Seller's Initials _______ ______



Date: _________________________, 20_____

Seller's Signature Buyer's Signature

______________________________ _________________________________

______________________________ _________________________________


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