TX Release of Lien 1

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  • Texas
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TX Release of Lien 1

Form Document
V 1

State of Texas}

County of ____________________}

Whereas, by deed dated the _____________ day of ____________, 20_____, recorded in the office of [naming proper office and book and page of record,] __________ did grant and convey to ___________ a certain tract or parcel of land, situate and being in said county of ____________, containing _________ acres, and bounded and described as follows [inserting description as in deed], the record of such deed being referred to for further description of such land; and whereas, in such deed a vendor's lien was retained to secure the payment of __________ certain promissory notes executed by the said _________, and payable to ____________, or order, each in the principal sum of

______________ dollars, and each bearing interest at the rate of ________ per centum per annum, for a better description of which notes reference is here made to the record of such deed as it described the same; and whereas, such promissory notes have been to me paid and by me cancelled, I, the undersigned, being the legal owner and holder thereof at the time of such payment and cancellation; and whereas, the said _________ is desirous of having the said lien released:

Now, therefore, I, ___________, in consideration of the premises and the sum of ______________ dollars, to me in hand paid by the said __________, do hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim unto, the said __________, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns the said vendor's lien, as well as all such other right, title, lien or claim in or to the real estate above described as may have been created by or have arisen from the transaction above mentioned, which I may own or did own at the time of such payment.

In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand this __________ day of _________, 20______.


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