WV Acknowledgment-Corporation 1

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  • West Virginia
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WV Acknowledgment-Corporation 1

Form Document
V 1

State (territory or district) of _______________, county of ___________, to wit:

I, ___________________, a commissioner, appointed by the Governor of the State of West Virginia, for the said State (or territory or district) of ___________ ; or I,

_________________, a justice of the peace of the county aforesaid; or I, _________________, a notary public of said county; or I, ____________, a notary (or clerk) of the court of said county; (or other office or person authorized to take acknowledgments by section three of this article, as the case may be), do hereby certify that ______________________, who signed the writing above (or hereto annexed), bearing date on the _______ day of ________, 20_____, for _________________ (name of corporation), has this day in my said county, before me, acknowledged the said writing to be the act and deed of said corporation.

Given under my hand this ________ day of _______________, 20________.


(Title or rank of person authorized to

take acknowledgment)

My commission expires the ________ day of _________, 20_______.

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