VA Release of Trust Deed 1

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  • Virginia
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VA Release of Trust Deed 1

Form Document
V 1

This deed made the ________ day of _________ in the year 20_____ between [trustee], party of the first part, and [grantor of trust deed], party of the second part, and [creditor], party of the third part, witnesseth that:

Whereas, the party of the second part did by deed bearing date the ________ day of __________, in the year 19 ______, and recorded, etc., convey to ____________, trustee, the following described property: ______________________________, in trust to secure the following [state liability secured]; and

Whereas, the said debt has been fully paid, as evidenced by the said note [or other obligation] having been exhibited to the trustee marked paid, and the said [creditor] signing this deed;

Now, therefore, in consideration of the premises and of the sum of $5 to him in hand paid, the party of the first part doth release unto the party of the second part all interest, right, claim or title which he may have in or to the above described property by virtue of said deed of trust.

Witness the following signatures and seals.

___________________________________ [Seal]

___________________________________ [Seal]


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