DE Fairway Endorsement - Limited Liability Company DTIRB-08

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DE Fairway Endorsement - Limited Liability Company DTIRB-08

Form Document
V 1



Attached to and made a part of Policy Number                                         File Number


The said Policy is hereby amended in the following manner:

The Company hereby insures the insured limited liability company (LLC) that this Policy and the coverage provided to the Insured hereunder shall not be deemed to have lapsed, or to have been forfeited, or to have terminated because of the occurrence, subsequent to the Date of Policy, if either of the following events occurs, as long as any amended certificate required has been duly and timely filed pursuant to the laws of the State of Delaware and provided that the insured LLC has not been dissolved or discontinued pursuant to the laws of the State of Delaware:

(a)        the admission or withdrawal of any individual or entity as a member in the insured LLC, or

(b)        a change in any member's interest in capital or profits of the insured LLC.

This endorsement is made a part of the Policy and is subject to all of the terms and provisions thereof and of any prior endorsements thereto.  Except to the extent expressly stated, it neither modifies any of the terms and provisions of the Policy and any prior endorsements, nor does it extend the effective date of the Policy and any prior endorsements, nor does it increase the face amount thereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Company has caused this endorsement to be issued and become valid when signed by an authorized officer or licensed agent of the Company.



       Authorized Officer or Licensed Agent

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