MD Election of Payment Schedule for Real Property Taxes 1995

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  • Maryland
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MD Election of Payment Schedule for Real Property Taxes 1995

Form Document
V 1

TO: Tax Collector for _____________________________________

County, Maryland

PROPERTY: ________________________________


DATE: ____________________

1. The undersigned is/are the owner(s) of the above real property.

2. I/we hereby certify to the tax collector that the above property is owner occupied residential property.

3. Pursuant to Chapter 123 of the Laws of Maryland (1995) I/we hereby elect to pay state and county real estate taxes levied against the above property beginning with Fiscal Year 1996-97 on the following schedule (check one):

___ Annually (due July 1) or

___ Semiannually (1/2 due July 1, remainder due following January 1).

4. In the event I/we have elected a semiannual payment schedule I/we understand that the collector may assess a service charge with the second installment covering administrative expenses not to exceed 25% of lost interest associated with the delay in payment of the second installment.







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