DC Affidavit-Form of Release of Lost, Misplaced or Destroyed Promissory Note 1

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  • District of Columbia
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DC Affidavit-Form of Release of Lost, Misplaced or Destroyed Promissory Note 1

Form Document
V 1


PER TITLE 45-721 (C)(1):


"THAT I, the undersigned, hereby certify under penalties of perjury that:

"1. I was the last known holder of a certain promissory note (or the trustees named in the original deed of trust or substitute trustees appointed by an instrument of substitution recorded in the land records):

"2. Despite diligent search, I have been unable to locate the original promissory note which has been lost, misplaced or destroyed, (if the holder add: and neither the promissory note nor any interest therein has been transferred, assigned or negotiated to any other person);

"3. The promissory note has been fully paid and satisfied; and

"4. The deed of trust dated _________ securing said promissory note granted


by ________________ in favor of ____________________ securing _______________


and recorded in the land records on __________ in Liber _______ at Folio __________


at Instrument No. _________ and constituting a lien upon that piece or parcel of land located in the District of Columbia and known as:

"LOT _________ in SQUARE _________ (additional legal description, ex.

subdivision) as per plat recorded in Liber ________ at Folio _______ among the land

records is hereby RELEASED.

"WITNESS the hand and seal of the undersigned ______________________________

(noteholder/trustee/substitute trustee)

this _______ day of ____________, ____.

"STATE/DISTRICT of _______________)

) ss.

"COUNTY of __________________)

"I the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid do hereby certify that

____________________ party to and who is personally well known to me as the person

who executed the foregoing Release Affidavit dated the ______ day of _________, ___, personally appeared before me in said jurisdiction and acknowledged the same to be his/her/its act and deed.

Given under my hand and seal, this _____ day of ___________, ____, and:

"My commission expires: _________________________

Notary Public

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