KY Deed-Warranty 1

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KY Deed-Warranty 1

Form Document
V 1



COUNTY OF _____________________)

THIS DEED, made this ___________ day of __________, 20_______, by and between _____________________, party of the first part; and __________________, party of the second part.

WITNESSETH: That, for a valuable consideration in the amount of the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the party of the first part hereby conveys unto the party of the second part, in fee simple, with covenant of General Warranty, the following described property in __________________ County, Kentucky, to wit:

Beginning [describe property]

Being the same property conveyed to ____________________ by deed dated _____________________, of record in Deed Book _________, Page ________ in the Office of the Clerk of _________________ County, Kentucky.

The party of the first part further covenants lawful seizin of the estate hereby conveyed, with full power to convey the same, and that said estate is free of encumbrances except restrictions and easements of record, the State, County, School and all taxes thereafter, which second party hereby assume and agree to pay.

The parties hereto state the consideration reflected in this deed is the full consideration paid for the property. The grantees join this deed for the sole purpose of certifying the consideration pursuant to KRS 382.135.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, WITNESS the signature of the parties of the first part and second part.

By: _____________________________________




COUNTY OF _____________________)

I hereby certify that the foregoing deed and consideration statement was acknowledged and sworn to before me this ___________ day of _________ by _________________ and _______________________, husband and wife, parties of the first part, and __________________________ and __________________________, husband and wife, parties of the second part.


Notary Public

State at Large, Kentucky

My Commission Expires: ______________

This instrument was prepared by:


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