NH Survey Affidavit

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  • New Hampshire
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NH Survey Affidavit

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V 2



I/We _________________________________________ being first duly sworn, depose and say as follows:


1.  That I/We are the true and lawful owners in the fee of the premises situated in the City/Town of _________County of _________ State of New Hampshire Known as: ________________________ (“Property”).


2.     I/we have owned the Property now being sold or mortgaged by me/us continuously for                     years last past, and my/our enjoyment thereof has been peaceable and undisturbed and the title to said Property has never been disputed or questioned to my/our knowledge, nor do I/we know of any facts by reason which the title to, or  possession of,  said Property might be disputed or questioned, or by reason of which any claim to any of said Property might be asserted adversely against me/us.


3.    That within the  last  one hundred and twenty (120) days, no person or  business entity has furnished any labor, services or  materials in connection with the construction or repair of any buildings or improvements on the Property except (if none, state "none"):


4.        That there are no present tenants, lessees or other parties in possession of the Property except (if none, state "none").


5.    That during the time of ownership of the premises above described, I/we have conveyed no portion of the premises nor done any act or allowed any act to be done which has changed or could change the boundaries of the Property.


6.    That I/we have not allowed, nor do I/we have knowledge of, any encroachments onto the Property by any adjoining land owners nor have I/we created, allowed or maintained any encroachments upon any property of adjoining land owners.


7.    That I/we have not allowed, nor do I/we have knowledge of, any easements, rights of way, continuous driveway usage, drain, sewer, water, gas or oil pipeline or other rights of passage to others over the Property by any other persons or entities.


8.     That I/we have no knowledge of any old highways, abandoned roads, lanes, cemetery or family burial grounds, springs, streams, rivers, ponds, or lakes bordering or running through the Property.


9.    That I/we have no knowledge of any taxes, special assessments, condo assessments, or homeowners’ association assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records other than as shown on the Closing Disclosure or any form of settlement statement.


10.    That I/we have not created and have no knowledge of any violation of any covenants, restrictions, agreements, conditions or zoning ordinances affecting said premises.


11.     That I/we make this Affidavit for the purpose of inducing a purchase or lease of said premises, and/or for the purpose of inducing the granting of a mortgage on said premises, and for the purpose of inducing STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, in reliance upon this Affidavit, to issue a policy or policies of title insurance covering the Property and I/we hold harmless and indemnify Stewart Title Guaranty Company from loss or damage incurred due to any misrepresentation made in this affidavit.


Executed on __________________, _________.



State of

County of

On ____________, _____, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared the above-named and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was a driver’s license, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that he/she/they signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose.



                                                                                            Notary Public/Justice of the Peace
                                                                                            My Commission Expires:



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