ID Mining Claim Guarantee 18

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ID Mining Claim Guarantee 18

Form Document
V 1


Mining Claim Guarantee

Order No.: ________________

Guarantee No.: ____________

Date of Guarantee: _________

Liability: __________________



1)Description of the land:


2)That according to the public records affecting the land,
but without examination of those records, and referring only to
the indexes maintained by the Company indexed by tract or
abstract and not indexed by name, the last recorded instrument
purporting to transfer title to the land is:

C.Exceptions - this Guaranty affords no assurances to any matter shown below and the Company will not pay loss, claim, demand, attorneys' fees or costs arising by reason of:

1)Any boundary conflict, adverse rights or other matters
evidencing an encroachment of other mining claims onto the land,
or any overlapping of the boundaries of said claim onto other claims.

2)Water rights, claim or title to water.

3)Instruments, proceedings or other matters which do not
specifically describe the land.

4)Taxes, assessments or similar matters.

5)Paramount title of the United States.

6)The inadequacy of any evidence of labor that may
appear of record.

For issuing guidelines on this form, see Guidelines.

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