FL Affidavit of Surviving Spouse 1

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  • Florida
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FL Affidavit of Surviving Spouse 1

Form Document
V 1



COUNTY OF ___________________________

BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared _____________________ ___________________________________, who, after being duly sworn as required by law, deposes and says:

1. That affiant legally owns that certain real property described as follows:

2. That affiant held title to the above described property with his/her spouse and that said spouse died on _________________________ as evidenced by the certified copy of said spouse's death certificate presented to _______________________________________


(Name of Title Insurance Agency)

3. That affiant certifies that he/she and ________________________________ were husband and wife on the date of taking title to the above described property and remained continuously married until the date of his/her death.

4. That this affidavit is made for the express purpose of inducing Stewart Title Guaranty Company to issue a policy of title insurance on the above described property and made under the full apprehension of the law, with the intent that full faith and credit is to be given to the contents thereof by Stewart Title Guaranty Company, its agents or its attorneys.

5. A certified copy of the death certificate is on file with the title insurance agency named above and a copy is also attached as an exhibit to this affidavit.

6. Said death certificate is not being recorded on the public record pursuant to Attorney General Opinion (AGO 92-24).



COUNTY OF _____________________

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of ____________, 199 ___, by ___________________________________, who is personally known to me or who has produced _________________________________________ as identification and who did take an oath.

Notary Public

My Commision Expires: _____________

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