T-42 TX Equity Loan Mortgage Endorsement

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T-42 TX Equity Loan Mortgage Endorsement

Form Document
V 8


Attached to and made a part of _________________________________ Title Insurance

Loan Policy No._________________________________________________,

dated the _____________ day of _____________________, 20 .

Issued by


The policy is hereby amended as follows:

1.    The following new Subsection (n) is inserted in Section 1 of the Conditions:(n)“consumer credit protection law”: any applicable federal or state regulation, law or constitutional provision relating to consumer credit protection. For purposes of the policy and paragraph 5 of the Exclusions from Coverage, consumer credit protection law includes, but is not limited to, the provisions of Subsections (a)(6), (g), and (t) of Section 50, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and any statutory or regulatory requirements for a mortgage made pursuant to Subsection (a)(6).”

2.    Notwithstanding the specific provisions of paragraph 5 of the Exclusions from Coverage relating to consumer credit protection laws, the Company insures the insured against loss, if any, sustained by the insured under the terms of the policy because of invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage by reason of the following:

a.    The failure of the insured mortgage to be created under a written agreement with the consent of each owner of the estate or interest described in Schedule A and each owner’s spouse, as set forth in Subsection (a)(6)(A) of Section 50, Article XVI, Texas Constitution.
b.    This subparagraph is intentionally deleted because of an Amendment to the Texas Constitution.
c.    The indebtedness secured by the lien of the insured mortgage on the land not being the only debt secured by a valid lien on the land at the time the extension of credit is made pursuant to the insured mortgage unless the other debt was made for a purpose described by Subsections (a)(l) through (a)(5) or Subsection (a)(8) of Section 50 of Article XVI, Texas Constitution, as set forth in Subsection (a)(6)(K) of Section 50, Article XVI, Texas Constitution.
d.    The extension of credit secured by the lien of the insured mortgage closing before the first anniversary of the closing date of any other extension of credit described by Subsection (a)(6) of Section 50 of Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and secured by a valid lien on the land, as set forth in Subsection (a)(6)(M)(iii) of Section 50, Article XVI, Texas Constitution.
e. The failure of the insured mortgage to contain a disclosure that the extension of credit isthe type of credit defined by Section 50(a)(6), Article XVI, Texas Constitution, as setforth in Subsection (a)(6)(Q)(vi) of Section 50(a)(6), Article XVI, Texas Constitution.

3.    Provided the insured mortgage secures a home equity line of credit, the Company insuresthe Insured that any disbursements under the home equity line of credit made subsequentto the date of this policy as provided in the insured mortgage shall be deemed to have beenmade as of the date of this policy and such disbursements and accrued interest shall havethe same priority as any advances made as of the date of this policy, except as to (i)bankruptcies affecting the estate or interest described on Schedule “A” hereof prior to thedate of any such advance or disbursement; and (ii) taxes, costs, charges, damages andother obligations to the government secured by statutory liens arising or recordedsubsequent to the date of the Policy.

4.    Except as provided in paragraph 2 above, the Company does not insure against invalidityor unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage, which arises out of the transactionevidenced by the insured mortgage and is based on any consumer credit protection law.

5.    This endorsement does not insure against invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of theinsured mortgage, or claim thereof, arising out of usury or truth in lending laws.

This endorsement when countersigned below by an Authorized Countersignature is made apart of said Policy. Except as expressly modified by the provisions hereof, thisendorsement is subject to the following policy matters: (i) Insuring provisions; (ii) Exclusionsfrom Coverage; (iii) Schedule “B” Exceptions; (iv) the Conditions; and (v) any priorendorsements. Except as stated herein, this endorsement does not: (i) extend the effectivedate of the policy and/or any prior endorsements; or (ii) increase the face amount of thepolicy.


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