MN General Endorsement 1

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MN General Endorsement 1

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V 2




The Policy is hereby amended as follows to the extent it is inconsistent with the following:

As provided in Minnesota Code Section 72A.201, oral or written notification of claim to the title insurance agent of Company is notice to the Company and liability shall not be denied by requiring an insured to give written notice of claim to the Company. 

 As provided in Minnesota Code Section 72A.201, Subdivision 5(5) where applicable, the Company agrees to issue payment for any amount finally agreed upon in settlement of all or part of any claim within five business days from the receipt of the agreement by the Company or from the date of the performance by the insured of any conditions set by such agreement, whichever is later.

As provided in Minnesota Code Section 60A.41, the Company may not proceed against its insured pursuant to Section 13 (Owner Policy) or Section 12 (Loan Policy) of the Conditions in a subrogation action where the loss was caused by the nonintentional acts of the insured, and the Company may not subrogate itself to the rights of its insured to proceed against another person if that other person is insured for the same loss, by the Company and if the loss was caused by the nonintentional acts of the person against whom subrogation is sought.

As provided in Minnesota Code Section 60A.08, Subdivision 4, this Policy is deemed to be made inMinnesota.

The words "in writing" are hereby deleted from Section 3 of the Conditions of this policy.

The phrase "shall terminate any liability of the Company under this policy as to that claim" is hereby deleted from Section 6(b) of the Condition of this policy.

The language used for Section 18 (Owner Policy) and Section 17 (Loan Policy) of the Conditions of the policy is amended to read as follows: All notices required to be given the Company and any statement required to be furnished the Company shall include the number of this policy and shall be given to the Company, Claims Department at P.O. Box 2029, Houston, Tx. 77252-2029, or by calling Telephone Number 1-800-729-1902.

Signed under seal for the Company, but this endorsement is to be valid only when it bears an authorized countersignature.



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