SC Lost Mortgage Satisfaction 1

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  • South Carolina
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SC Lost Mortgage Satisfaction 1

Form Document
V 1



                                                                                    LOST MORTGAGE SATISFACTION

COUNTY OF _______________       


MORTGAGOR: _________________


PROPERTY: ____________________



The debt hereby secured is paid in full and the lien of this instrument is satisfied, being mortgage recorded in Mortgage Book ______, page _______ on ______________, ____, Office of the ROD for ______________ County , _________________________________ being the owner and holder of said mortgage.


Witness the hand and seal of the duly authorized officer of the undersigned this _____ day of _________________, ____.



WITNESSETH:                                                            _____________________________

                                                                                    (name of Mortgagee)



Witness # 1                                                                   By:________________________

                                                                                    Its: _______________________


Witness #2



STATE OF ______________________


COUNTY OF ____________________


PERSONALLY appeared before me the undersigned witness, who being duly sworn, states that s/he saw the within Mortgagee by its duly authorized officer, sign the above Satisfaction and that s/he with the other witness above subscribed, witnessed the execution thereof.


Sworn to before me this __________                            _____________________________

Day of _______________, _______.                                      Witness #1




Notary Public State of ______________

My commission expires:___________


STATE OF ______________________


COUNTY OF ____________________


PERSONALLY appeared before me, the above named Mortgagee, by its duly authorized officer, who being duly sworn, says that __________________________________ is the owner and holder of the above-named mortgage (Book _____ Page ______) and that the same has not been assigned, hypothecated or otherwise disposed of and that same has been lost or destroyed, and after diligent search, cannot be found.



                                                                                    (name of Mortgagee)



                                                                                    Its: ____________________________

Sworn to before me this __________                           

Day of _______________, ______.               




Notary Public State of _____________

My commission expires:__________



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