OTIRO Endorsement No. 228.1-06 (Encroachments - Boundaries and Easements) (04-02-12)

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OTIRO Endorsement No. 228.1-06 (Encroachments - Boundaries and Easements) (04-02-12)

Form Document
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OTIRO Endorsement 228.1-06 (Encroachments - Boundaries and Easements) (04-02-12)


Attached to Policy No. __________

Issued by


1. The insurance provided by this endorsement is subject to the exclusions in Section 4 of this endorsement; and the Exclusions from Coverage, the Exceptions from Coverage contained in Schedule B, and the Conditions in the policy.

2. For purposes of this endorsement only, “Improvement” means an existing building, located on either the Land or adjoining land at Date of Policy and that by law constitutes real property.

3. The Company insures against loss or damage sustained by the Insured by reason of:

a. An encroachment of any Improvement located on the Land onto adjoining land or onto that portion of the Land subject to an easement, unless an exception in Schedule B of the policy identifies the encroachment;

b. An encroachment of any Improvement located on adjoining land onto the Land at Date of Policy, unless an exception in Schedule B of the policy identifies the encroachment;

c. Enforced removal of any Improvement located on the Land as a result of an encroachment by the Improvement onto any portion of the Land subject to any easement, in the event that the owners of the easement shall, for the purpose of exercising the right of use or maintenance of the easement, compel removal or relocation of the encroaching Improvement; or

d. Enforced removal of any Improvement located on the Land that encroaches onto adjoining land.

4. This endorsement does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys’ fees, or expenses) resulting from the encroachments listed as Exceptions ______________ of Schedule B.

Order Reference:

[Witness clause optional]


BY: _______________________________
Authorized Signer

For issuing guidelines on this form, see Guidelines.

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