NM Affidavit - Scrivener’s

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  • New Mexico
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NM Affidavit - Scrivener’s

Form Document
V 1



I, _________________________(“Affiant”), being first duly sworn, state under  oath:

1.         I am duly authorized to execute this Affidavit, have actual knowledge of the matters set forth within this Affidavit and am competent to testify in a court of law about the facts stated in this Affidavit.

2.         I am eligible and qualified under New Mexico law to be the Affiant of this Scrivener’s - Error Affidavit because of the following facts:

[Explain qualifications for eligibility]

3.         The instrument containing the error that this Affidavit intends to correct is as follows:

“Original Instrument” [Describe the instrument containing the error]


4.         The purpose of this Affidavit is to provide notice of the scrivener’s error described in this Affidavit and to correct the Original Instrument.

5.         The Original Instrument was prepared by, completed by or associated with: __________________.

6.         The names and capacities of the parties to the Original Instrument are:


7.         The recording information, including the recording date and document, instrument or reception number for the Original Instrument, is as follows:  Date of Recording ________, Recording Information _________________________, in the real property records of ______________County, New Mexico.

8.         A brief description of each error in the Original Instrument that this Affidavit is designed to correct:


9.         The correction information to be inserted or reflected in or the information to be removed from the Original Instrument is as follows:



10.       This Affidavit is made under penalty of perjury.


Dated this ___________ day of _____________, 2016.


Name: _____________________________

Company Name: _____________________

Title: _______________________________________



COUNTY OF _____________

This instrument was acknowledged and signed and sworn to me on July _______, 2016 by ____________________________________.


Notary Public

My commission expires: _________________________________

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