T-7 Deletion of Arbitration Provision

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T-7 Deletion of Arbitration Provision

Form Document
V 1

(Not applicable to the Texas Residential Owner’s Policy)

    ARBITRATION is a common form of alternative dispute resolution. It can be a quicker and cheaper means to settle a dispute with your Title Insurance Company. However, if you agree to arbitrate, you give up your right to take the Title Insurance Company to court and your rights to discovery of evidence may be limited in the arbitration process. In addition, you cannot usually appeal an arbitrator’s award.

    Your policy contains an arbitration provision (shown below). It allows you or the Company to require arbitration if the amount of insurance is $2,000,000 or less. If you want to retain your right to sue the Company in case of a dispute over a claim, you must request deletion of the arbitration provision before the policy is issued. You can do this by signing this form and returning it to the Company at or before the closing of your real estate transaction or by writing to the Company.

    The arbitration provision in the Policy is as follows:

“Either the Company or the Insured may demand that the claim or controversy shall be submitted to arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules of the American Land Title Association (“Rules”). Except as provided in the Rules, there shall be no joinder or consolidation with claims or controversies of other persons. Arbitrable matters may include, but are not limited to, any controversy or claim between the Company and the Insured arising out of or relating to this policy, any service in connection with its issuance or the breach of a policy provision, or to any other controversy or claim arising out of the transaction giving rise to this policy. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured, unless the Insured is an individual person (as distinguished from an Entity). All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is in excess of $2,000,000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed to by both the Company and the Insured. Arbitration pursuant to this policy and under the Rules shall be binding upon parties. Judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction.”

___________________________________                    _____________________________
    SIGNATURE                                                                  DATE

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