VA Affidavit of Continuous Marriage

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  • Virginia
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VA Affidavit of Continuous Marriage

Form Document
V 1



State of______________________________

County/City of________________________

BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority duly authorized in the State and

County/City aforesaid to take acknowledgments, on this________ day of

________________________ , 20__________ , personally appeared and (hereinafter

known as the “Affiants”) who, being first duly sworn, depose and say:

1.      THAT Affiants are the record title holders of the following described property, as

evidenced by that Deed recorded among the land records of ___________________ ,

Virginia, in Deed Book _______ , Page ____________ , to wit;

2.      THAT Affiants were married prior to ______________________________________ .

the date of their acquisition of title to the aforedescribed property, and have remained continuously married, without interruption by divorce, from that date up to and including the date of this Affidavit.

3.      THAT Affiants give this Affidavit for the purpose of inducing STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY to issue its policy or policies insuring the title to said property without exception(s) to encumbrance(s) which possibly could have arisen in the event of divorce of the Affiants heretofore; and to indemnify and hold STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY hannless of and from any and all loss, cost, damage and expense of every kind, including Attorneys’ fees, which said STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY shall or may suffer or incur or become liable for under its said policy or policies arising directly or indirectly out of or on account of such an intervening divorce, or in connection with its enforcement of its rights under this agreement.



Executed, subscribed and sworn to before me the date and year above written by

My Commission expires:



CITY/COUNTY OF______________ , to-wit:

Acknowledged, subscribed and sworn to before me in the aforesaid jurisdiction this   day of  , 20_____ by ____________________ the affiant.

My commission expires:

Notary Public


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