VA Final Affidavit & Agreement

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  • Virginia
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VA Final Affidavit & Agreement

Form Document
V 2



STATE OF________________________________


On this                 day of ________________________________,20___, before me personally appeared _____________________________________________________________, Owner of Property, and _____________________________________________________General Contractor, to me personally known, who being duly sworn on their oaths, did say that all of the persons, films and corporations, including the general contractor and all subcontractors who have furnished services, labor or materials according to plans and specifications, or extra items, used in the construction or repair of buildings and improvements on the real estate hereinafter described, have been paid in full and that such work has been performed to satisfaction and accepted by owner as of date herein.

Affiants further say that no claims have been made to either of the affiants by, nor is any suit pending against affiants by any contractor, subcontractor, laborer or materialman, and further that no chattel mortgages or conditional bills of sale, security agreements or financing statements have been given or are outstanding as to any materials, appliances, fixtures or furnishings placed upon or installed in the aforesaid premises.

Affiants as parties hereto do for a valuable consideration hereby agree and guarantee to hold Stewart Title Guaranty Company (by reason of the fact that it has issued or will issue in the future its title insurance policies), harmless against any lien, claim or suit of or by any general contractor, subcontractor, mechanic or materialman, and against chattel mortgages or conditional bills of sale, security agreements or financing statements in connection with the construction or repair of such building or improvements on said real estate.

The  real  estate  and  improvements  referred  to herein  are  situated  in  the

____________________________________________of ______________________________________State of

Virginia, and are described as follows, to wit:

_______________________________                                          _________________________________

OWNER OF PROPERTY                                                              OWNER OF PROPERTY


                                                                                                        GENERAL CONTRACTOR

Executed, subscribed and sworn to before me the day and year above written.

My Commission Expires:                                                              _________________________________

                                                                                                       Notary Public


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