VA Notice of Availability

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VA Notice of Availability

Form Document
V 1

Note: Required by VA law on any sale or transfer of property.

Notice of Availability of Owner’s Title Insurance
(as required by Virginia Code §38.2-4616)

You may wish to obtain title insurance coverage, including affirmative coverage for mechanic’s liens. Title insurance will insure you against loss or damage, resulting from defects in the title and pay defense costs in the event of a challenge to your title. “Defects in title” include; but are not limited to:

•        liens (or claims) asserted by others (including creditors of prior owners).

•        physical or legal encroachments on your property.

•        ownership interests vested in others (such as missing or unknown heirs of prior owners).

•        mechanic's liens—liens which are filed by contractors and suppliers who have furnished labor and materials for your property. These liens may be filed AFTER closing.

Please be advised that the value of subsequent improvements to the property may not be covered.

Unless you should request otherwise, a ALTA Homeowners policy with enhanced coverages will be issued whenever possible. Please ask for a chart comparing the standard and enhanced owner's policy coverages.

___  ALTA Homeowner’s title insurance protection accepted.

___  ALTA Owner’s title insurance protection accepted.

___  ALTA Homeowners/ ALTA Owner’s title insurance protection declined.

I/we acknowledge that l/we have been notified that l/we may wish to obtain owner’s title insurance coverage including affirmative mechanics’ lien coverage, if available, and that l/we have been notified of the general nature of such coverage, and that l/we have chosen the insurance coverage option as indicated above.




•        The property to be insured must be a completed one-to-four family residential dwelling or condominium unit. Note: The Enhanced Owners Policy is not available for unimproved property, commercial property, or residential property on

which there is ongoing construction.

•        If the property to be insured involves newly constructed improvements, a final Certificate of Occupancy must be provided.

•        The property to be insured must be platted (and the plat must be recorded), contain 25 acres or less, and have a valid street address.

•        An additional 25% premium must be collected.

•        The property must have vehicular and pedestrian access based upon a legal right.

•        If the property does not comply with the above criteria, the ALTA Standard Owners Policy (2006) may be issued in lieu of the ALTA Homeowners Policy.


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