VA Notice of Intent to Release

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VA Notice of Intent to Release

Form Document
V 1





Re:       Loan No. ________________________________


Property Address:

Property Description:

Original Amount Secured:

Payoff Amount:

Pursuant to § 55-66.3 of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, notice is hereby given to you concerning the deed of trust described on the release of deed of trust, a copy of which is attached to this notice, as follows:

1. The undersigned has paid the obligation secured by the deed of trust described above.

2. The undersigned will release the deed of trust described in this notice unless, within ninety days from the date this notice is mailed by certified mail or guaranteed overnight delivery service, the undersigned has received by certified mail or guaranteed overnight delivery service a notice stating that:

a.       A release of the deed of trust has been recorded in the clerk's office; or

b.       That the obligation secured by the deed of trust described above has not been paid; or

c.       The lien creditor or loan servicer otherwise objects to the release of the mortgage.

Notice shall be sent to the address of the settlement agent stated on this form.



Settlement Agent




Title: __________________________________

Address of settlement agent: ______________________________________________________


Telephone number of settlement agent: ______________________________________________

Current Virginia CRESPA registration number of settlement agent: _______________________

Settlement Agent Case No. _______________________________________________________





Place of Record: Circuit Court of __________________________________________________

Deed Book _______ Page ________;  or  Deed Instrument No.__________________________

Date of Deed of Trust __________________  Face Amount Secured: $____________________

Name(s) of Grantor(s)/Maker(s): __________________________________________________

Name(s) of Trustee(s): __________________________________________________________

Date of Note: ______________________     Face Amount of Note(s): $ ___________________

The undersigned hereby certifies that the above-mentioned note(s)/bond(s) secured by the above-mentioned deed of trust has/have been paid in full and the lien therein created and retained is hereby released.

Further, the undersigned hereby certifies that, in accordance with the provisions § 55-66.3 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended and in force on the date hereof (the "Code") (a) the undersigned is a settlement agent as defined in subsection D of § 55-66.3 of the Code or a duly authorized officer, director, member, partner or employee of such settlement agent; (b) the settlement agent has satisfied the obligation secured by the deed of trust, and possesses satisfactory evidence of the payment of the obligation secured by the deed of trust described in the certificate recorded herewith; (c) the settlement agent delivered to the lien creditor or loan servicer in the manner specified in subdivision E 1 of § 55-66.3 of the Code the notice of intent to release and possesses evidence of receipt of such notice by the lien creditor or loan servicer; and (d) the lien of the deed of trust is hereby released.

Executed on ______________________, 200__.

_____________________________________          CRESPA Reg. No. _______________


By:      _______________________________

Title:    _______________________________

Commonwealth of Virginia

County/City of ___________________:

Subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me by __________________________________ as the _____________________________ of ________________________________________, on ________________________, 200__.

____________________________________            My commission expires: _______________

Notary Public

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