STG Request for Approval to Issue Overlimits (Large) Policy or Extra Hazardous Coverage [Revised 01-04-21]

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STG Request for Approval to Issue Overlimits (Large) Policy or Extra Hazardous Coverage [Revised 01-04-21]

Form Document

STG Request for Approval to Issue Overlimits (Large) Policy or Extra Hazardous Coverage [Revised 01-04-21]

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Please complete this form, sign it and email the completed form to with a copy to your underwriting contact,
if applicable.

To:      Stewart Title Guaranty Company        Date:     _______________________________       

From:                                                                                        _____                                                               [Name of person requesting approval]

          ______________________________________________________________________________                        [Full name of title insurance agent/company/issuing office/division requesting

          [Location/address of requesting office. Please also include city and state.]

Your Telephone:                                                              Your Email:                                                

Stewart Agent ID No., if applicable:                                                                                            

Title/File/Order No.                                                                                                                   

Subject Property Address:                                                                                                                 
[If an address is not available, please include city or county, state and ZIP code]

Project Name/Project Reference/Project Designation (“Re:”), if applicable:


Anticipated closing date, if known:                                                                                               

1.   List the Policy Form(s), Type, Insured and Stewart’s Policy amount.
      THIS SECTION IS A REQUIRED FIELD. Please don’t leave it blank.
      If a Policy Form is not identified, the form will be the 2006 ALTA Policy. Attach a copy of
      Commitment(s) and any pro forma(s).

Policy Form (e.g., 2006 ALTA)

Type (e.g., Loan)

Proposed Insured














2.   Description of Property (e.g., undeveloped, apartments, offices, etc.):



3.   Describe: (a) transaction, and (b) purpose of financing (briefly, but in detail):



4.   Title was searched and examined from                                                        to______________
[If to patent, please also insert the date. Please do not include the period covered by any Starter.]

5A.   Starter, if any. Please specify:

Prior Company:                                                                           Prior Effective Date: __________

Prior Policy (check at least one):         Owner’s Policy           Loan Policy    Please attach a copy of the Starter(s).

5B.   If this property was the subject of a prior overlimits approval, please insert the prior approval number:


6.   Describe grantor/mortgagor (e.g., person, entity) and authority (e.g., power of attorney, corporate resolution, approval by shareholders, partners or members, etc.):


7A.   Describe any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest. A blank will be deemed “NONE”:


7B.   If the Issuing Office is an agent, please provide the names of all officers of the agent and all principals of the agent that own 10% or more of the agent. A blank will be deemed “NONE”:


8.   If endorsements are being requested, attach a list or click below:

ALTA Endorsement List Supplement 

CLTA Endorsement List Supplement 

Louisiana Endorsement List Supplement

Oregon Endorsement List Supplement

Pennsylvania Endorsement List Supplement 

Texas Endorsement List Supplement

9.   Does this file involve the following? (If applicable, write “YES” and describe the circumstances. Please note: a blank will be deemed “NO”):

               A construction loan?

               Broken-priority (e.g., early start) or no-priority? If so, please describe underwriting:           

NOTE: If no broken-priority, please explain:


               Recent construction performed or completed within the lien period? If so, please describe underwriting:


If not, how do you know?                                                                                                                

               Request for Mechanic’s Lien Coverage? NOTE: If this transaction is a construction loan and if the total project cost (i.e., the loan amount plus other contributions) is equal to or greater than $40,000,000, please also complete STG High Liability (Over $40 Million) Mechanic’s Lien Coverage Approval Request;

               Access based solely upon an easement (i.e., Is there no direct access to a dedicated public street)? If so, was title to the access easement examined and insured?                                                               ;

               Lien priority based upon subordination of a lien or mortgage; if so, please explain:


               Tidelands, filled land, submerged land, navigable waters or riparian issues;

               Insuring title to railroad property;

               Title based upon judicial proceedings (e.g., tax foreclosure, condemnation, bankruptcy);

               Title based upon foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure;

                Mineral coverage on property in an area of mineral development;

               Title derived from foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure regarding a construction loan deed of trust, within the last three years;

               Easement independent of real property (i.e., an easement in gross);

               Insured option;

               Native American (Indian) lands;

               Water rights;

               Sheriff’s Sale in last 10 years (other than mortgage foreclosure);

               Insuring a lease and/or a mortgage encumbering a lease? If yes:

Is a copy of the lease provided with this request?                                                                       

Has the lease been reviewed?  If so, by whom? ____                                                                  

Are estoppels from lessor(s) being obtained? _                                                                           

               Assignment or partial assignment or mortgage of a lease, easement, or other interest (if so, describe consents/approvals to be obtained):                                                                                          ;

               Reliance upon an indemnity; if so, describe purpose and provide a copy;

               Insuring around a recorded lien or encumbrance (e.g., by omitting, deleting or providing affirmative insurance);

               Survey concerns (e.g., does the survey show any significant conflict or encroachment?);

               Current owner out of possession of the property;

               Commercial purchasers of fruits, vegetables, livestock, or poultry, or wholesalers or retailers of meat products.

See Stewart Bulletin SLS2014001 (UNDERWRITING – The Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA) and The Packers and Stockyards Act (PSA));

               A hospital, medical facility, health research facility, teaching facility for health-related fields, facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities, medical or nursing school. If so, please see VU Underwriting Manual Section 8.12.;

               Any purchase contract(s) or option(s) outstanding including right of first refusal, right of first offer, other than the purchase contract in favor of the proposed insured (If a construction loan, please also describe existing or future contracts for presales, e.g., homes or condo units, contract deposits, and if the construction mortgage will have priority over potential vendees liens, and if so, upon what basis);

               Other extra hazardous risks, such as those shown in VU Underwriting Manual Section 5.36;

               Current, recent or impending litigation that might affect the subject property;

               A transaction that, to your knowledge, has been turned down by another underwriter;

               If a loan in the amount of $10 Million or more, will it be disbursed in multiple disbursements?;

               An energy project (e.g., wind, solar, geothermal, hydro, etc., including conventional) and/or any energy endorsement(s).

If “YES” to any of the above, please describe in the next section or by supplement.

10.   Other unusual risks, issues and/or affirmative coverages, if any:





11.   If this transaction involves co-insurance, list the co-insurers and their liability amounts/percentages:





12.   Premium. Please specify: (must only be completed for transactions OVER $100,000,000.00)

                                                           (a) Total premium charge to customer for title insurance policies (excluding endorsements);

                                                           (b) Amount of premium for title insurance policies (excluding endorsements) that will be remitted to Stewart Title Guaranty Company;

                                                           (c) Total premium charge to customer for endorsements;

                                                           (d) Amount of premium for endorsements that will be remitted to Stewart Title Guaranty Company;

                                                           (e) Total Amount of premium for title insurance policies and endorsements that will be remitted to Stewart Title Guaranty Company;

                                                           (f) $ per thousand premium charge to customer for title insurance policies and endorsements;

                                                           (g) $ per thousand remitted to Stewart Title Guaranty Company for title insurance policies

and endorsements.

NOTE: Underwriting approval is not approval of premiums or remittances. Pricing must be separately and specifically approved.

13. This policy will be issued by (must be completed):

               (a) an issuing agent authorized in the state, in compliance with state law; or

               (b) direct issue/home office, in compliance with state law.

14.   From our examination of the Title and the foregoing, we are of the opinion that the requested Policy complies with Company Guidelines, including, but not limited to, those on Virtual Underwriter®, and can be safely issued in compliance with applicable state law, including any requirements relating to authorized and licensed signatories on the Policy.

The requested coverages and endorsements are allowed to be issued in the state, and the rates to be charged will comply with state requirements, and the amount remitted to the Company complies with our underwriting agreements.

                  Title Examiner/Chief Title Officer/Closer/Underwriter

Print Name:                                                                           Title:                                              


This approval is NOT an approval for Reinsurance. If the Policy amount is $100,000,000.00 or larger, contact our Reinsurance Department, even if Reinsurance is not required, so that the transaction may be properly reported to management.

This form must be signed by your State Underwriter, Associate Senior Underwriter or other Stewart Underwriter before forwarding to the Senior Underwriting Committee.

Based upon the information given above, approval is hereby granted to issue the Policy as requested, subject to the following:


Issuance of policies and endorsements is subject to compliance with Underwriting Guidelines.

APPROVAL Re: Title/File/Order No.                                                 ______________                  

Project Name/Address:                                                                                                             

Underwriter/Associate Senior Underwriter




Senior Underwriter



Senior Underwriter




Senior Underwriter




Revised 01-04-21

STG Request for Approval to Issue Overlimits (Large) Policy or Extra Hazardous Coverage [Revised 01-04-21]


Please use this area if you need additional space.



























Copyright 1970-2024 Stewart Title Guaranty Company. All rights reserved. The use of this form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to Stewart Title Guaranty Company, its issuing agents, and affiliates in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited.

For issuing guidelines on this form, see Guidelines.

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