CLTA Interim Binder (11-04-16)

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CLTA Interim Binder (11-04-16)

Form Document
V 7


To:                                                                                                                     Fee:  $
Date of Binder:                                                                                                 No.:

BLANK TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a___________________ corporation (the “Company”), hereby agrees that:

1. Upon request, it will issue, as of the date shown above, its _________________ policy of title insurance [with _____ Endorsement No. ________ attached*] with a liability not exceeding $________________, insuring title to the estate or interest described to be vested in the vestee named in Schedule A subject only to the exceptions shown in Schedule B and to all of the provisions of said policy; or

2. Alternatively, if a valid and sufficient instrument from the vestee named in Schedule A, creating an insurable estate, interest or lien in favor of a grantee or lender is executed, delivered and recorded within a binder period of _______ days from the date shown above, and on request, the Company will issue its policy in favor of the grantee or lender as of the date of recording the instrument, insuring the estate, interest or lien subject only to the aforesaid exceptions and provisions of the policy and to any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim, or other matter that appears for the first time in the Public Records or is created, attaches, or is disclosed between the date shown above and the date of recording the instrument, including those matters affecting title which may attach as a result of the recording.

This Interim Binder is not a policy of title insurance. It is an agreement to issue a policy as provided in the alternatives set forth above. This Interim Binder terminates when a policy is issued under one of the above alternatives. A policy must be issued prior to submission of any claim.

Capitalized terms in this Interim Binder shall have the same meaning as those terms are defined in the form of policy referenced in paragraph 1 above.


                                                                                                                STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY



*Delete if not required

Attachments to Interim Binder


1. The estate or interest in the Land described or referred to herein is:

2. Title to the estate or interest covered hereby at the date hereof is vested in:

3. The Land referred to herein is described as follows:





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