NJRB 2-26 ALTA Short Form Residential Limited Coverage Junior Loan Policy (4-2-22)

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  • New Jersey
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NJRB 2-26 ALTA Short Form Residential Limited Coverage Junior Loan Policy (4-2-22)

Form Document
V 2

ALTA Short Form Residential Limited Coverage Junior Loan Policy

issued by


[Transaction Identification Data, for which the Company assumes no liability as set forth in Condition 9.e. of the policy form incorporated below:]
[Issuing Agent:]
[Issuing Office:]
[Issuing Office’s ALTA® Registry ID:]
[Loan ID Number:]
[Issuing Office File Number:]
[Property Address:]

Subject to the Exceptions below, and in any Addendum attached, BLANK TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a ____________ Corporation (the "Company"), insures as of the Date of Policy, against loss or damage, not exceeding the Amount of Insurance, as provided by and subject to the terms, Exclusions from Coverage and Conditions set forth in the American Land Title Association Residential Limited Coverage Junior Loan Policy (_____________), all of which are incorporated by reference. All references to the Schedule refer to the Schedule in this policy.

This policy, when issued by the Company with a Policy Number and the Date of Policy, is valid even if this policy or any Addendum to this policy is issued electronically or lacks any signature.

Any notice of claim and any other notice or statement in writing required to be given to the Company under this policy must be given to the Company at ______________________.

[Witness clause]



            [Authorized Signatory]

            [Authorized Signatory]]




Name and Address of Title Insurance Company:

Policy No.

[Premium: $    ]

Amount of Insurance: $                                                                         

Date of Policy: [at a.m./p.m.]

1.      The Insured is:

2.      Grantee:

3.      The Land referred to in this policy is described as follows:



Some historical land records contain discriminatory covenants that are illegal and unenforceable by law. If a document identified as an Exception or otherwise referred to in this policy contains a provision that, under applicable law, illegally discriminates against a class of individuals based upon personal characteristics such as race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, familial status, disability, national origin, or any other legally protected class, then that illegal provision is repudiated and not published or republished.

This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) resulting from the following matters:

[1. Insert tax exception(s)]

___ Addendum containing additional exceptions attached.

[Insert signature block for issuing office]


Addendum To

ALTA Short Form Residential Limited Coverage Junior Loan Policy

Addendum to Policy No.


In addition to the matters set forth as Exceptions on the ALTA Short Form Residential Limited Coverage Loan Policy to which this Addendum is attached, this policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following:

For issuing guidelines on this form, see Guidelines.