CA Affidavit - Uninsured Deed Affidavit

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CA Affidavit - Uninsured Deed Affidavit

Form Document
V 16


____________________________________________________________________________, referred to herein as "Affiant" (whether one or more), of legal age, being first duly sworn, deposes and says:

1. This Uninsured Deed Affidavit (Affidavit) is made and given for the reliance and benefit of __________

___________________________________________________ (Title Agent) and Stewart Title Guaranty Company (Title Insurer) (collectively referred to hereafter as the "Title Company").

2. Affiant was the Grantor identified below, who made, executed, and delivered that certain deed recorded in the County of __________________________________, described as follows (the “Deed”):

Document Date:
Recorded Date: 
Instrument No.: 

Conveying the property located at: _________________________________________________ (the mailing address) and legally described follows:

**See Attached Legal Description**

(the “Property”).

3. That possession of the Property has been surrendered to the Grantee and that the Affiant no longer has an interest in the Property.

4. Any obligation of the Grantee to the Affiant in connection with the Deed has been fully paid and/or satisfied.

5. Affiant does not have an option to repurchase the Property, nor does Affiant have any other present, future, or contingent interest in the Property.

6. That in the execution and delivery of the Deed, the Affiant was not acting under any misapprehension as to the effect thereof and acted freely and voluntarily and not under coercion or duress.

7. That this declaration is made for the protection and benefit of the Grantee, his/her/their successors and assigns, and all other parties hereafter dealing with or who may acquire any interest in the Property, and particularly for the benefit of the Title Company who is about to handle and insure the transaction related to the Property in reliance hereon, and any other title company which may hereafter insure the title to the Property.



Affiant’s Typed Name:

Date Signed

Affiant’s Typed Name:

Date Signed


A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.


State of California      )
                                      ) SS.
County of __________)

Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this                day of                                , 20                             , by                                                                                                                                 , proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who appeared before me.

Notary Signature

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