FL Redaction Affidavit By Protected Party

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FL Redaction Affidavit By Protected Party

Form Document
V 3



Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared _______________(“Affiant”), who being by me duly sworn, deposes and states that:

  1.  Affiant is the owners of the following real property (“the Property”):        

  2.  Affiant is defined as a “Protected Party” and subject to the protections afforded for the exemption of public disclosure under FS 119.071 and redaction of sensitive personal information including “home address” as defined under  Florida Statute 119.071(4)(d) (“the Statute”), as amended and effective July 1, 2019.

  3. Affiant [Has___/Has Not___] submitted a request to remove information from public inspection and redaction of personal information from recorded documents found in the Official Records maintained by the Clerk of the Court.

  4. The document type, name, identification number, and page number of the official record that contains the exempt information for all recorded documents identified by Affiant to the Clerk for exemption from public inspection and redaction has been disclosed to [TITLE COMPANY].

  5. For all records exempted or redacted upon Affiant’s request, a release of exempt information form authorized by Florida Statute 119.071(4)(d)5 has been submitted to the Clerk of the Court requesting release of unredacted complete copies of all exempted or redacted records to [ TITLE COMPANY] or a recorded copy of the exempted or redacted documents(s) have been provided.

  6. Any records which were submitted to the Property Appraiser or Tax Collector for redaction and exemption from public inspection have been disclosed to [TITLE COMPANY] and a release of exempt information form authorized by Florida Statute 119.071(4)(d)5  has been submitted to the tax office requesting  release to [TITLE COMPANY] of  all exempt records redacted or exempted from public disclosure pursuant to Affiant’s request or a recorded copy of the exempted or redacted documents(s) have been provided.

  7. Affiant affirms that all recorded instruments contained in the public records redacted by the Affiant have been identified and disclosed to [TITLE COMPANY] and there are no other exempted or redacted instruments which have not been disclosed.

  8. Affiant makes the above statements with full knowledge that these statements are true and correct under penalty of perjury, and with the understanding that [TITLE COMPANY] and Stewart Title Guaranty Company shall rely upon these statements as true in connection with the issuance of a title insurance policy.



Affiant’s Name:



STATE OF _______________

COUNTY OF _____________ 


Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me by means of ☐ physical presence or ☐ online notarization, this ___ day of ________, 20___, by ___________________ (name of person making statement). 


Personally Known ☐ OR Produced Identification ☐  


Type of Identification Produced: ____________________ 


(Signature of Notary Public)  


(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public)  


My Commission expires:  _______________

Affix Notary SEAL 


Online Notary: ☐ (Check Box if acknowledgment done by Online Notarization)


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