NC Trustee Certification

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  • North Carolina
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NC Trustee Certification

Form Document
V 3


Pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 36C-10-1013



Prepared by <Name>


State of North Carolina                          


County of <Name>                                                


The undersigned, being the trustee of the <Name> Trust<dated> (the “Trust”), certifies the following facts:


1.            The Trust is currently in existence and the date the Trust was executed was <Date>.


2.            The identify of each settlor of the Trust is:

a.          _______________; and

b.          _______________.


3.            The identity and address of each currently acting trustee is: 

a.          ______________, ____________________________; and

b.          ______________, ____________________________.


4.              Each trustee is authorized by the Trust or by the provisions of applicable law (including, but not limited N.C. Gen. Stat. § 36C-8-815) to sell, convey, pledge, mortgage, lease, manage, operate, control, or transfer title to trust property, including real property, except as limited by the following: None.


5.            The Trust is_____ irrevocable or _____ revocable. Each of the following holds the power to revoke the Trust:

a.          _______________; and

b.          _______________.


6.            If more than one trustee is identified above each has the authority to sign or otherwise authenticate the existence of the Trust without joinder of the other trustees. Furthermore, the undersigned has the authority to exercise the powers listed above without joinder of the other trustees.


7.            The Trust’s taxpayer identification number is ________________ (only last 4 digits required).


NOTE: This section may be left blank if the taxpayer identification number is the same as the social security number of a party to the Trust and this certification is to be recorded on the public record.


If left blank the trust’s taxpayer identification number shall be certified by the trustee to the person acting in reliance upon the certification of trust in a manner reasonably satisfactory to that person. § 36C-10-1013(j)


8.            Title to trust property shall be taken in the following manner: 



9.            The Trust has not been revoked, modified, or amended in any manner that would cause the representations contained in this certification to be incorrect.


IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the trustee signed and sealed this certification on _____________________________ ______,20___.




                                                                                        __________________________________ (Seal)

                                                                                        ________________ as trustee of the ________ Trust __________






State of North Carolina


County of _____________________


          I (here give the name of the official and his official title), do hereby certify that (here give the name of the individual whose acknowledgement is being taken) personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument.


          Witness my hand and official seal, _________________ ______, <20__>.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Notary Public

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Print Name _______________________________


My commission expires: _________________________________                

(Official Seal)

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