NM Multipurpose Endorsement Guideline 11

Organizational Guidelines
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NM Multipurpose Endorsement Guideline 11

Guideline Document
V 3


This endorsement may be used (1) to modify promulgated forms when authorized or required by the regulations, or (2) to correct errors in the information inserted in a promulgated form.

Underwriting Requirements:

(1) If using this endorsement to insert, delete, or add to a promulgated form, then there must be exact compliance with the authorizing regulation.

(2) To correct errors in the information inserted in the spaces of a preprinted form (but not changing, altering, or waiving the terms thereof), use the following:

"This endorsement amends (commitment, policy or endorsement) numbered _____________ , dated ______________ to read as follows: (here insert language identifying the specific item being corrected and the specific correction information such as, 'The name of the insured is John Smith rather than James Smith .'or' Item 3 of Schedule A is ABC Corporation rather than ABC, Inc.'). No other amendments are made by this endorsement."

Any revision to this form requires approval of a Stewart Title Guaranty Company underwriter. The underwriting guidelines contained herein have been provided for general reference. The facts, circumstances, and location of the subject property should be considered when determining the issuance of the requested form or endorsement. Please note that all of the forms and endorsements included in this system may not be available in all states. Accordingly, please contact the appropriate Stewart Title Guaranty Company underwriting personnel in order to determine availability.

Compliance with the underwriting guidelines contained herein in no way obligates Stewart Title Guaranty Company to issue any form or endorsement.

This guideline applies to the following form(s):
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