LA ALTA Short Form Expanded Coverage Residential Loan Policy (Rev 01-01-08) Guideline

Organizational Guidelines
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LA ALTA Short Form Expanded Coverage Residential Loan Policy (Rev 01-01-08) Guideline

Guideline Document
V 1


The LA ALTA Short Form Expanded Coverage Residential Loan Policy (Rev 01/01/08) is similar to the Homeowner's Policy of Title Insurance. This version includes a creditors' rights exclusion that is consistent with the Covered Risks. The LA Short Form Expanded Coverage Residential Loan Policy (Rev 01/01/08) includes the following standard coverages (Covered Risks) of the LA ALTA Expanded Coverage Residential Loan Policy (Rev 02/03/10) by incorporating it by reference on Schedule B.

Underwriting Requirements:

This Policy can only be issued in connection with one-to-four family residential property or an individual condominium unit. Issue only if improved property;

Verify by review of tax/assessment search; Add address for land in Schedule A.

The Original Rate applicable for the Expanded Coverage Residential Loan Policy, issued in either standard or short form, shall be calculated at 110% of the premium under LATISSO Rule PR-2 (Loan Policy), plus the premium for any endorsement(s) added separately or incorporated in the policy at the applicable rate for such endorsement(s).
Issue on first liens only.

Issue only if lender is institutional lender commonly making residential loans (do not issue if lender is an individual).

Do not issue if loan is for construction or repair of improvements (must verify that all bills paid on any prior construction within lien period).

Issue only on (i) platted lot or metes and bounds tract not exceeding 25 acres; or (ii) condominium unit. Do not issue on metes and bounds or other property without underwriter approval or unless you can determine that the metes and bounds description does not violate subdivision map requirements.

Verify by tax/assessment search that separately assessed.

Verify with homeowner's association that assessments paid current and that any right of first refusal will not be exercised in the current transaction (if there is a right of first refusal);
If a map of the land is attached (not required on policy), verify that description same as Schedule A description.

Sellers must execute the ALTA Homeowner's Policy of Title Insurance/Expanded Coverage Loan Policy Affidavit. If no sale, require borrowers to execute ALTA Homeowner's Policy of Title Insurance/Expanded Coverage Loan Policy Affidavit.

No inspection or survey is required.

Verify homeowner's assessment liens subordinated to insured mortgage (e.g. as purchase money or first lien). If condominium or uniform act provides that the Insured Mortgage is subordinate to some assessments, a specific exception in Schedule B is required. If the assessment lien of a covenant is not subordinate, specifically state in Schedule B. The specific exception may state "Notwithstanding the Covered Risks and Endorsements incorporated in this policy, the policy does not insure against lack of priority of the lien of the Insured

Mortgage over any lien for assessments and charges set forth in (describe assessment lien provision)."

Separately and specifically except to easements, assessment liens and options or first refusals set forth in covenants.

Absent the lender's instructions to the contrary, the policy may be dated and issued on date of settlement/closing if your requirements have been met, the funds have been disbursed and you are in a position to record. Show the settlement date as the Date of Policy; you do not need to show recording information.

You should be satisfied that taxes and assessments are not yet due and payable, or add the following at the end of your tax exception:"These taxes and assessments are due and payable."You may continue to note in Schedule B that excepted taxes are not yet due and payable, if requested by the Insured.(14) You should except to a recorded notice of governmental violation (such as zoning, subdivision, environmental) or notice of eminent domain proceeding filed by any person. Do not remove as an exception because of a release unless you receive approval from underwriting personnel.

You may show as your Date of Policy the date of disbursement and delivery of all documents. You do not need to await recording information unless the closing instructions require that information on the Policy.

You should verify street improvements are not under construction or recently completed, by your tax search, survey review, or affidavit of the owner.

Any revision to this form requires approval of a Stewart Title Guaranty Company underwriter. The underwriting guidelines contained herein have been provided for general reference. The facts, circumstances, and location of the subject property should be considered when determining the issuance of the requested form or endorsement. Please note that all of the forms and endorsements included in this system may not be available in all states. Accordingly, please contact the appropriate Stewart Title Guaranty Company underwriting personnel in order to determine availability.

Compliance with the underwriting guidelines contained herein in no way obligates Stewart Title Guaranty Company to issue any form or endorsement.

This guideline applies to the following form(s):
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