T-19.3 Guideline - TX Minerals and Surface Damage Endorsement

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T-19.3 Guideline - TX Minerals and Surface Damage Endorsement

Guideline Document
V 2


The basic guidelines for these endorsement forms are found in Procedural Rule P-50.1 of the Texas Basic Manual.

Please also see R-29.1 for more information regarding this endorsement.

P-50.1. Minerals and Surface Damage Endorsement (Form T-19.2), and Minerals and Surface Damage Endorsement (Form T-19.3)

Any insured matter covered in the Minerals and Surface Damage Endorsement Form T-19.2 or Form T-19.3 may be insured only by the use of these endorsements, except that coverage regarding minerals may be insured by the use of the Form T-19 or Form T-19.1 endorsements as provided in P-50. When the policy includes an exclusion or an exception regarding minerals as provided in Procedural Rule P-50.1:

As to real property of one acre or less improved or intended to be improved for one-to-four family residential use, the Company upon request by the insured and if it meets the Company's underwriting standards may issue its Minerals and Surface Damage Endorsement (Form T-19.2) to an Owner's or Loan Policy.

As to real property improved or intended to be improved for office, industrial, retail, mixed use retail/residential, or multifamily purposes, the Company upon request by the insured and if it meets the Company's underwriting standards may issue its Minerals and Surface Damage Endorsement (Form T-19.2) to an Owner's or Loan Policy.

As to other real property, the Company upon request by the insured and if it meets the Company's underwriting standards may issue its Minerals and Surface Damage Endorsement (Form T-19.3) to an Owner's or Loan Policy.

As to an Owner's or Loan Policy covering multiple parcels of real property that consist of a combination of real property described in paragraphs 1 or 2, and 3, the Company upon request by the insured and if it meets the Company's underwriting standards may issue for each parcel the applicable Minerals and Surface Damage Endorsement (Form T-19.2 or Form T-19.3) to the Owner's or Loan Policy.

If paragraph 4d. is deleted as to minerals in the T.19 then you cannot issue the T-19.2 or T-19.3 without senior underwriter approval.

For further guidance, refer to the applicable subsections in Section 11.04 of the National Underwriting Manual on Virtual Underwriter http://www.vuwriter.com/vumanuals.jsp?displaykey=UM00000208


Please see the following Texas Bulletins:
TX2015002 - UNDERWRITING - HB 40 By Darby Relating to Exclusive Jurisdiction of the State to Regulate Oil and Gas Operations and Express Preemption of Local Regulations of These Operations (Effective May 18, 2015)
TX2014006 - RATES AND/OR FORMS UPDATE - T-19 Series Endorsements (T-19.1 for Owner’s Policies and T-19 for Loan Policies after 2014 Revisions)
TX2012001 - T-19.2 and T-19.3 and Mineral Credits
TX2011001 - Writing Mineral Coverage after Commissioner's Order 10-0959 Order in 2008 Rate Case
TX2009007 - Oil and Gas and Other Minerals Supplement
TX2009005 - Resolution of Mineral Exception Issue; Commissioner's Order 09-0650


Additionally, see the Texas Underwriting Manual 12.16 Mineral Rights on Virtual Underwriter.

Any revision to this form requires approval of a Stewart Title Guaranty Company underwriter. The underwriting guidelines contained herein have been provided for general reference. The facts, circumstances, and location of the subject property should be considered when determining the issuance of the requested form or endorsement. Please note that all of the forms and endorsements included in this system may not be available in all states. Accordingly, please contact the appropriate Stewart Title Guaranty Company underwriting personnel in order to determine availability.

Compliance with the underwriting guidelines contained herein in no way obligates Stewart Title Guaranty Company to issue any form or endorsement.

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