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Standard Exception Topic



The Company generally can insure on land that is a cemetery if the Company excepts to the dedication and use of the land as a cemetery. Similarly if it appears that a portion of the land is a cemetery, the Company excepts to the cemetery use.
c. Rights of parties entitled thereto to keep therein the bodies and remains of deceased persons now interred thereon.


Standard Exception Subtopic



V 1

The Land is a Cemetery

Any right or claim because of dedication or use of the land as a cemetery, including:
(A) Rights, interests, and easements of any persons who have burial lots, their relatives, and the public in the land.
(B) Easements for visitation, use, driveways, and access.
Comment: Use this exception if the land is a cemetery.

See Underwriting Manual

Standard Exception Subtopic



V 1

A Portion of the Land is a Cemetery

Any right or claim because of dedication or use of a portion of the land as reflected by ____________ as a cemetery, including:
(A) Rights, interests, and easements of any persons who have burial lots, their relatives, and the public in the land.
(B) Easements for visitation, use, driveways, and access.
Comment: Use this exception if a deed or other instrument or survey indicates that a portion of the land is a cemetery. The exception may be modified to refer to the portion used as a cemetery.

See Underwriting Manual