Tips and Tricks

  • New Feature – On each page, if there is a large amount of content, a blue arrow will appear on the right side of the screen as you scroll. Click on this to jump back to the top of the page.
  • On each page, there will be a “Breadcrumb” trail that appears underneath the header bar. This can be used to navigate back through the sections of the site.


  • On document pages, you can use the tools at the top/bottom of the page to:
    • Download the page being viewed as a PDF or Word Doc.
    • Print the page being viewed
  • Improved Feature – Using Search on Virtual Underwriter
    • The Search bar now appears at the top of every page
    • Use the left box drop-down menu to choose a specific section of the site to search, or to search the entire site
    • Once you see your search results, you can filter them further by:
      • At the top of the page, selecting for the search to use “All of these words” entered or the “Exact Phrase” as entered
      • Filter by specific countries or states – NOTE: You can select multiple states from the dropdown simply by clicking on more than one state, you can also de-select them by clicking them in the drop-down menu
      • Narrow the types of documents shown (Standard Exceptions, Forms, Bulletins, State Practices, Underwriting Manual, Guidelines)
      • Specifically choose National Bulletins or Multi-State Bulletins
    • New Feature – Your chosen filters appear at the top of the search results in grey boxes. You can click on the X in each box to remove that filter and re-widen your results. If you click on the box listing all states or countries, it will remove all states/countries at once.
  • On any page, including search results, you can hit Control + F and enter specific words and hit enter. Those words will be highlighted on the page helping you to find it more quickly.
  • Each document listing, across all types, shows the following:
  • Reading Pane – When you use the Reading Pane on the left side of the screen, it allows you to see the content of the documents listed on the page without having to navigate to each specific page.
    • You can click on the different documents in the Reading Pane list to move from document to document.
    • You can click the Print All button at the top of the Reading Pane to print every document included in the pane. NOTE: When you click the button, a Print Window will appear and show the number of pages that will be printed. Check the number of pages before selecting print.
    • To close out of the Reading Pane, click on the grey X that appears in the top right of the pane. 

Forms are included on VU for information purposes. When available, new forms are provided to third-party TPS vendors. Please contact your TPS vendor or account services representative to have any new forms implemented in your system. 

In the Forms section, you will see tools appear on the left side of the screen and a list of the 20 most recent forms added to the site on the right.

You can use the selector tools on the left side to:

  • See forms organized by:
    • State
    • Organization (ALTA, CLTA, STG)
    • Country
    • Open a Reading Pane to view documents featured on the page
    • Go to the Guidelines section

On each state Forms page, forms are organized into six groups (if no documents exist for the state/organization in one of those categorized, that category will not appear). They are in order from top to bottom:

  • Most Requested
  • Transactional
  • Commitments
  • Policies
  • Endorsements
  • Other

On each forms page, including the individual forms, you can also select the Guidelines link on the left-hand side to see guidelines associated with the form(s).

In the Bulletins section, you can use the tools on the left side to see forms organized by:

  • Select specific State-related Bulletins
  • Go to a page featuring Multi-State Bulletins
  • Go to a page featuring National Bulletins
  • Go to a page featuring Special Alert Bulletins
  • Select specific Country-related Bulletins
  • Open a Reading Pane to view documents featured on the page

On each Bulletins page, the same selection tools will be available on the left side.

You can use the tools at the top to:

  • Download the Bulletin as a PDF or Word Doc.
  • Print the Bulletin
  • Jump to the bottom of the page see any references in that relate to the Bulletin

In the references section at the bottom of the page you will information concerning information related to the featured bulletin:

  • Bulletins Replaced
  • Related Bulletins
  • Underwriting Manual
  • Exceptions Manual
  • Forms

Each item listed in the References section also functions as a hyperlink to take you to that content’s location on Virtual Underwriter.

In the State Practices (Real Estate Practices by State) section, you can use the tools on the left side to:

  • Select a state to see related practices
  • New Feature - Select a particular practice and see pertinent information around that practice listed state-by-state
  • Utilize links to go to:
    • View pricing and schedule of charges for specific counties
    • Go to the Ernst Publishing site
    • Request registration for the Ernst Publishing site
  • New Feature – Utilize the Table of Contents to navigate up and down the page
    • When scrolling down the page, the Table of Contents will lock in place on the left side once it reaches the top of your screen
    • You can then scroll the Table of Contents separately from the page scrolling

You can use the tools at the top to:

  • Download the page being viewed as a PDF or Word Doc.
  • Print the page being viewed
  • Jump to the bottom of the page see any references in that relate to the Bulletin

In the Standard Practices section, you can use the tools on the left side to:

  • Utilize links to go to:
    • View pricing and schedule of charges for specific counties
    • Go to the Ernst Publishing site
    • Request registration for the Ernst Publishing site
    • Utilize links to go to specific exceptions pages:
    • National Standard Exceptions
    • ALTA Exceptions
    • Texas Exceptions

When you first arrive to the section. All exceptions appropriate to the category chosen (National, ALTA or Texas) are listed in alphabetical order. You can select a letter in the Table of Contents and the page will change out to show only subjects that begin with that letter. 

You can revert to having all exceptions under that category on the page by clicking on “Show All” at the top of the page. 

On each Standard Exceptions page, 

  • New Feature – Utilize the Table of Contents to navigate up and down the page
    • When scrolling down the page, the Table of Contents will lock in place on the left side once it reaches the top of your screen
    • You can then scroll the Table of Contents separately from the page scrolling
  • You can use the tools at the top to:
    • Download the page being viewed as a PDF or Word Doc.
    • Print the page being viewed

In the Standard Practices section, you can use the tools on the left side to select a state and see its supplements.

When you first arrive to the section. All subjects are listed in alphabetical order. You can select a letter in the Table of Contents and the page will change out to show only subjects that begin with that letter. 

You can revert to having all exceptions under that category on the page by clicking on “Show All” at the top of the page.

On manual section pages, you can use the tools on the left side to:

  • Go to related subjects
  • See associated Standard Exceptions
  • See associated Bulletins
  • See associated forms
  • View state supplements
  • New Feature – Utilize the Table of Contents to navigate up and down the page
    • When scrolling down the page, the Table of Contents will lock in place on the left side once it reaches the top of your screen
    • You can then scroll the Table of Contents separately from the page scrolling

You can use the tools at the top to:

  • Download the page being viewed as a PDF or Word Doc.
  • Print the page being viewed
  • Jump the page to enable you to see use the References section

In the Standard Practices section, you can use the link on the left side to go to the Special Alerts Database to perform searches.

On each Special Alerts page, you can use the tools at the top to:

  • Download the page being viewed as a PDF or Word Doc.
  • Print the page being viewed