Underwriting Manual: TX


Fictitious Names

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Underwriting Manual Subtopic

In General

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Nothing prohibits a person from assuming any name that person may choose for the purposes of acquiring an interest in or lien upon real estate, so long as the use of that name is not for a fraudulent purpose.

In almost every jurisdiction, no person can legally engage in business under a fictitious name without registering as provided by state law.


A conveyance to a nonexistent or fictitious person is void for lack of a grantee, but a conveyance to an identifiable person using a fictitious name is valid. The name of the grantee cannot be considered as fictitious if any certain person was intended to be designated by the name and that person's identify can be proven.


Unless otherwise provided by local law, a conveyance by an owner who conveys by any name is effective to transfer title, provided the grantor is fully identified as being the true owner of the property.

Assumed Name Acts

In Texas, persons and partnerships can transact business in the state under a fictitious name. See Sec. 5.051 and 36.01 et seq. of the Tex Bus Organizations Code.

Underwriting Manual Subtopic

Title Insurance Considerations

V 2

The Company is unwilling to insure any title interest, title, or right to real property wherein the insured is not using the insured's correct and legal name, and instead, is using an assumed, fictitious, or trade name.

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