Underwriting Manual: TX


Urban Renewal Areas

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Underwriting Manual Subtopic

In General

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“Urban renewal” is the process through which neighborhoods are upgraded through clearance and redevelopment or through rehabilitation and the installation of new, or modernization of existing public improvements. Urban renewal activities may be funded with a combination of federal and local funds, or strictly with private monies.

The term “urban renewal” is frequently used to refer to a federal program, established under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, for large scale slum clearance and urban revitalization. Under the program, local governments use the power of eminent domain to acquire sites in blighted areas, clear the land, and resell it to private developers. The public agency receives a subsidy in the form of a land writedown to defray the cost of furnishing services and installing facilities for the sites. Urban renewal is one of several categorical grant programs which have been placed by the community development block grant program.

In this respect, and if records show that the property is within an established Urban Renewal Area Plan, a proper exception must be shown in Schedule B of the commitment or policy.

Underwriting Manual Subtopic

2009 Texas Legislative Enactments

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Eminent domain

• Section 21.0112(a), Property Code, 
 Not later than the seventh day before the date [Before] a governmental or private entity with eminent domain authoritymakes a final offer to [begins negotiating with] a property owner to acquire real property, the entity must send by first-class mail or otherwise provide a landowner's bill of rights statement provided by Section 402.031, Government Code, 
 In addition to the other requirements of this subsection, an entity with eminent domain authority shall provide a copy of the landowner's bill of rights statement to a landowner before or at the same time as the entity first represents in any manner to the landowner that the entity possesses eminent domain authority. 

Effective September 1, 2009.
Changes/actions required: none other than to determine that the bill of rights was timely given or at least 4 years has passed since the proceeding is complete and the property has been conveyed to the governmental or private entity.

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