TX Affidavit for New Improvements 1

This form applies to:
  • Texas
Forms by State
Organization Forms

TX Affidavit for New Improvements 1

Form Document
V 1



Before me, the undersigned authority appeared _____________________________________ ("Owners") and __________________ ("Contractor"), who being by me duly sworn, on their oaths stated the following to be true, correct and complete:

1.The Mechanic's Lien Contract ("Contract") between Owners and Contractor is for the following purposes: ________________________________.

2.The Contract is made for new improvements in accordance with Subsection (a)(5) of Section 50, Article XVI, Texas Constitution and is not made for repair or renovation of existing improvements.

3.The Contract describes and is made for new improvements to the following land ("Land"):


4.No work has been performed, no materials have been furnished to the Land, and no services have been performed under the Contract or any other construction contract prior to the execution and acknowledgment of the Contract by all parties.

5.No other contract has been entered or agreed to by the Owners or Contractor for new improvements or for repair or renovation of existing improvements, if any, on the Land.



(Print Name) ("Owner")



(Print Name) ("Owner")



(Print Name) ("Contractor")

State of Texas

County of ________________

Sworn to and subscribed before me the undersigned authority by _____________________________ on this the ______ day of _____ 20___.


Notary Public in and for

the State of Texas

My Commission Expires: ________________

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