T-22 TX Owner Title Policy Commitment for Eminent Domain Proceedings

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T-22 TX Owner Title Policy Commitment for Eminent Domain Proceedings

Form Document
V 4

(Before Judgment)


Commitment No. _______________                                 Date ____________________

GF No. _______________________                                 Parcel No. ________________


This Commitment is in connection with an order placed with us for an Owner Title Policy on the real estate described on the reverse side hereof.

We will issue and deliver to you our Owner Title Policy, in the amount of the final judgment, on such property, in the form prescribed by the Texas Department of Insurance, upon entry in favor of ___________________ in the eminent domain proceedings now pending as Cause No. ______________ in the Court ______________ of ________________ County, Texas, of a judgment which is final and not subject to appeal or review, and the filing of a certified copy of such judgment in the Deed Records of the County in which such land is situated, and payment of the full amount of the final judgment. This Owner Title Policy will contain only the following exceptions:

1.     Liens:

2.     Restrictive covenants affecting the property above described.

3.     Any discrepancies, conflicts, or shortages in area or boundary lines, or any encroachments or any overlapping of improvements which a current survey would show.

4.     Terms and provisions of said judgment.

5.     The following easements held by those not made a party to eminent domain proceedings:

6.    Leasehold and other mineral interests:

a.     All of the oil, gas and sulphur in and under the above described land.

* b.     All oil, gas, sulphur and other mineral interests, including but not limited to leasehold and royalty interests, in the above described land.

** 7.     a.    Standby fees, taxes and assessments by any taxing authority for the current year.

b.     All standby fees, taxes, and assessments by any taxing authority, current and delinquent.

This commitment shall be used only in connection with the issuance of the above mentioned Owner Title Policy.

                                                                            ________________ TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY

                                                                        By ______________________________________

                                                                                                                    Authorized Officer or Agent

* Subparagraph 6b is to be stricken and must be initialed if (1) condemnation is not a partial taking, and (2) all owners of all mineral, royalty and leasehold interests are parties to and bound by the judgment.

** If a partial taking, and all tax collectors are not parties to the condemnation suit, subparagraph 7a is to be stricken and must be initialed. If not a partial taking, and all tax collectors are parties to the condemnation, subparagraph 7b is to be stricken and must be initialed.


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