NH Deed-Warranty

This form applies to:
  • New Hampshire
Forms by State
Organization Forms

NH Deed-Warranty

Form Document
V 2

477:27 Statutory Form of Warranty Deed. – A deed in substance following the form appended to this section shall, when duly executed and delivered, have the force and effect of a deed in fee simple to the grantee, heirs, successors and assigns, to their own use, with covenant on the part of the grantor, for himself or herself, heirs, executors and administrators, that, at the time of the delivery of such deed, the grantor was lawfully seized in fee simple of the granted premises, that the said premises were free from all incumbrances, except as stated, that the grantor had good right to sell and convey the same to the grantee, heirs, successors and assigns, and that the grantor will, and the heirs, executors, and administrators shall, warrant and defend the same to the grantee and heirs, successors and assigns, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons.


(Form for warranty deed)

__________ , of __________ County, State of __________ , for consideration paid, grant to __________ , (complete mailing address) __________ , of __________ Street, Town (City) of __________ , __________ County, State of __________ , with warranty covenants, the __________ (Description of land or interest being conveyed: incumbrances, exceptions, reservations, if any) __________ , (wife) (husband) of said grantor, release to said grantee all rights of homestead and other interests therein.

(Here add acknowledgment)

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