WA Promissory Note (Interest Extra) 2

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  • Washington
Forms by State
Organization Forms

WA Promissory Note (Interest Extra) 2

Form Document
V 1

LPB No. 27

Promissory Note


$ _____________________________ _________________________________


For value received ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________ promise _______________ to pay to _____________________________________________________________________ or order, at __________________________________________________________ the sum of _________________________________________________ DOLLARS, with the interest from __________________________________ on unpaid principal at the rate of _______________________ per cent per annum; interest payable _________ _____________________________________________________________________ principal payable in installments of __________________________________ Dollars, or more on the __________________ day of each _______________ month, beginning on the __________________________ day of ________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ and continuing until said principal and interest have been paid.

Should default be made in payment of any installment of principal or interest when due the whole sum of principal and interest shall become immediately due at the option of the holder of this note. Principal and interest payable in lawful money of the United States. If action be instituted on this note, I promise to pay such sum as the Court may fix as attorney's fees. This note is secured by a ___________________________ ___________________________________________________ of even date.

____________________________ _______________________________

____________________________ _______________________________

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