SC Specific (Durable) Power of Attorney 1

This form applies to:
  • South Carolina
Forms by State
Organization Forms

SC Specific (Durable) Power of Attorney 1

Form Document
V 1


                                                             )           SPECIFIC POWER OF ATTORNEY

COUNTY OF _______________      ) 

KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS That I/We, ___________________, hereby appoint ________________ as my/our true and lawful Attorney-in-Fact to act in, manage, and conduct all my/our affairs as they may pertain to the (refinance/purchase/

sale)of the property located at  ________________________________ and for that purpose in my/our name and on my/our behalf to do and/or execute all or any of the following acts, instruments, mortgages, deeds, contracts and things, that is to say:

1.  To (refinance/purchase/sell) the real property, to include all improvements, located at _______________________and for this purpose, to receive, confirm, make, and execute any contracts, deeds, mortgages, notes, affidavits, disclosures, settlement statements, or other instruments of every kind, which may be requisite or proper to effectuate the said (refinance/purchase/sale), and to all intents and purposes, and with the same validity as I/we could if personally present, and I/we hereby ratify and confirm whatsoever my/our said Attorney-in-Fact shall do, and may do, by virtue hereof in regards to the  (refinance/purchase/sale)of the property located at ______________________________.

2.  To sign my/our name(s) to and to execute on my/our behalf all mortgages, deeds, contracts, affidavits, disclosures, transfers, and instruments whatsoever under such terms and conditions as my/our Attorney-in-Fact shall deem appropriate; and generally to act as my/our Attorney-in-Fact and agent in regard to all matters involving the (refinance/purchase/sale)  of the property located at _____________________________, and to do all acts and things as fully and effectively in all respects as could I/we, if I was/we were personally present, with full power of substitution and revocation.

3.  To authorize and agree to the payment of all fees, expenses, and charges for any and all services associated with the (refinance/purchase/sale) of the property located at ___________________________, and to accept on my/our behalf all monies, checks, proceeds, reimbursements, and copies of documents associated with the (refinance/purchase/sale) of said property.

This Power of Attorney shall become effective upon execution of the same, and shall not be revoked for any cause or reason, including any subsequent mental or physical disability, except in the event of my death/the death of one or both of us, or at the execution of an instrument of equal dignity signed by me/us, revoking this Power of Attorney.  The aforesaid notwithstanding, this Power of Attorney will be automatically revoked on _____________, 20___.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I/we have hereunto set my/our hand and affixed my/our seal this_______ day of   ________________________, _______.


______________________                                        ____________________________
Witness #1                                                                  

______________________                                        ____________________________
Witness #2                                                                              

STATE OF _________________       )

                                                            )   ACKNOWLEDGMENT

COUNTY OF _______________      )

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of _____________, __________, by ______________________.


NOTARY PUBLIC FOR ______________

My Commission Expires: ____________

No guidelines are available for this form at this time.

No guidelines are available for this form at this time.