SC Affidavit of True Consideration 1

This form applies to:
  • South Carolina
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Organization Forms

SC Affidavit of True Consideration 1

Form Document
V 1

STATE OFSOUTH CAROLINA         AFFIDAVIT               Date of Transfer of Title

COUNTY OF _________                                                        _____________, 20___ 

PERSONALLY appeared before me the undersigned, who being duly sworn, deposes and says:

  1. I have read the information on this Affidavit and I understand such information

    The property is being transferred by _______________________and is located at _________________________, __________ County  having TMS No. ______________.

  2. The Deed is

    (a)   ______ Subject to the deed recording fee as a transfer for consideration paid or to be paid in  money or money's worth.

    (b)  ______ Subject to the deed recording fee as a transfer between a corporation, a partnership, or other entity and a stockholder, partner, or owner of the entity, or is a transfer to a trust or as distribution to a trust beneficiary.

    (c)   ______ EXEMPT from the deed recording fee because (Exemption NO. _____)  (Explanation, if required) 

    (If exempt, please skip items 4-6, and go to item 7 of this affidavit)

  3. Check one of the following if either item 3(a) of item 3(b) above has been checked:

    (a)   ______ The fee is computed on the consideration paid or to be paid in money or money's worth in the amount of $ ____________.

    (b)  ______ The fee is computed on the fair market value of the realty which is $_________________

    (c)   ______ The fee is computed on the fair market value of the realty as established for property tax purposes which is $_________________

  4. Check YES___ or NO ______ to the following:  A lien or encumbrance existed on the land, tenement, or realty before the transfer and remained on the land, tenement, or realty after the transfer.  If “YES” the amount of the outstanding balance of this lien or encumbrance is $______________.

  5. The DEED Recording Fee is computed as follows:

    (a)   $  _________        the amount listed in item 4 above

    (b)  $  _________        the amount listed in item 5 above (no amount place zero)

    (c)   $  _________        Subtract Line 6(b) from Line 6(a) and place the result.

  6. The deed recording fee due is based on the amount listed on Line 6(c) above and the deed recording fee due is:  $ _________.

  7. As required by Code Section 12-24-70, I state that I am a responsible person who was connected with the transaction as follows: ____________.

  8. I understand that a person required to furnish this affidavit who willfully furnishes a false or fraudulent affidavit is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.


SWORN to before me this

_____ day of  ______________, _____          _________________________________

                                                                        Print or Type Name Here


Notary Public for _________________

My Commission Expires:__________

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No guidelines are available for this form at this time.