NE Power of Attorney Affidavit (Durable Power of Attorney)

This form applies to:
  • Nebraska
Forms by State
Organization Forms

NE Power of Attorney Affidavit (Durable Power of Attorney)

Form Document
V 1


The undersigned Affiant, being first duly sworn, deposes and states as follows:

1.  I, _______________ am the duly appointed and constituted attorney in fact for _____________, Principal, pursuant to a Durable Power of Attorney executed by the Principal on the ____ day of _____________, 20_____.

2.  On the ____ day of _______________, 20___, I executed on behalf of the Principal a (warranty deed) (trust deed) (conveying) (encumbering) Principal's interest in and to the following-described real estate:

3.  At the time of execution of said instrument(s), I had no knowledge of termination of said Power of Attorney by reason of revocation or of the Principal's death, disability, or incapacity.

4.  This Affidavit is given pursuant to Section 30-2669, Nebraska Revised Statutes.

                                                                                                       ______________________________, Affiant

STATE OF                            )

                                              ) SS.

COUNTY OF                      )

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me by ______________________________________, Affiant, this ____ day of ________________, 20___.


                                                                                                      ____________________________, NOTARY PUBLIC

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