SC Deed - Quit Claim 1

This form applies to:
  • South Carolina
Forms by State
Organization Forms

SC Deed - Quit Claim 1

Form Document
V 1

                                                            )                       QUIT CLAIM DEED

COUNTY OF _______________      )


            KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT ______________________, (hereinafter referred to as Grantor) for and in consideration of the sum of __________________ ($_________)  Dollars, to Grantor in hand paid at and before the sealing of these presents by __________________________ (hereinafter referred to as Grantee), in the State aforesaid, (the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged)has remised, released and forever quit-claimed, and by these presents does remise, release and forever quit-claim unto the Grantee, his/her successors, heirs and assigns, the following described real property:





Grantee's Address:

This conveyance is made subject to easements and/or restrictions of record and otherwise affecting the property.

TOGETHER with all and singular, the rights, members, hereditaments and appurtenances to the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining.

            TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular, the said premises before mentioned unto the said, Grantee, his/her successors, heirs and assigns, forever so that neither the said Grantor nor his/her eheirs, nor any other person or persons claiming under him/her shall at any time hereafter, by any way or means, have, claim or demand any right or title to the aforementioned premises or appurtenances, or any part of parcel thereof..



[Signature on following page]
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor has hereunto set my Hand and Seal, this ____ day of _________________, _____.


SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED                                                                 

IN THE PRESENCE OF:                                                                                        



Witness No.  1



Witness No. 2


STATE OF ________________         )

                                                            )                       PROBATE

COUNTY OF ______________        )


            Personally appeared before me, the undersigned witness and made oath that s/he saw the within named Grantor sign, seal, and as his/her act and deed, deliver the within written Deed; and that he/she, with the other witness subscribed above witnessed the execution thereof.



Witness No. 1


Sworn to before me this ___ day of

________________, _______



Notary Public for _____________

My commission expires: ___________

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