AR Deed-Quitclaim (With Relinquishment of Dower or Curesy) 1

This form applies to:
  • Arkansas
Forms by State
Organization Forms

AR Deed-Quitclaim (With Relinquishment of Dower or Curesy) 1

Form Document
V 1


That WE _______________________ and ___________________, [his wife, her husband], for and in consideration of the sum of __________________ DOLLARS ($ ______________), paid by ________________, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby transfer and quitclaim unto _____________________, and unto [his, her, their] heirs and assigns forever, all of our right, title, interest, equity and estate in and to the following lands lying in the County of ________________, State of Arkansas:


To have and to hold unto _________________, and unto [his, her, their] heirs and assigns forever, with all tenements, appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging.

And I, ____________, [wife, husband] of _________________, for and in consideration of such sum of money, hereby release and relinquish unto _______________ all my right of [dower, curtesy] and homestead in and to such lands.

WITNESS our hands this _____________ day of  ___________.


_______________________ (SEAL)

_______________________ (SEAL)



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