TIRSA Successor in Ownership of Indebtedness Endorsement 7.2015

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  • New York
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TIRSA Successor in Ownership of Indebtedness Endorsement 7.2015

Form Document
V 1


TIRSA Successor in Ownership of Indebtedness Endorsement
(Loan Policy)


Attached to and made part of Loan Policy Number:                                                     


It having been represented to the Company that                                       has succeeded to the ownership of the indebtedness secured by the mortgage insured in Schedule A of the policy, the Company extends to                       the benefits of the within policy subject to its Conditions (including Condition Number 1), Exclusions From Coverage and Exceptions From Coverage as of the Date of Policy, without liability as to the validity, form and sufficiency of the instrument(s) effecting the said transfer.

Nothing herein shall be construed as extending or changing the Date of Policy.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the          day of                          , 20       .






Countersigned By:


Blank Title Insurance Company:


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